Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Sidra - A Green Resistance to Desert Extremities!

The Sidra Tree

On this environment day, I would like to introduce to the readers a tree that symbolises resilience in adversities combined with goodness to all. In the scorching sun, with no water or rain around, and no one but the author of life to defend and protect, Sidra stands nonchalantly firm, verdant, buoyant, vibrant and majestic.  Like the sattasamavayin yogi, unaffected by the ups and downs of life (sukhe-dukhe same krtva - Gita 2:38) it remains unaffectedly verdant, resolutely resilient!  

Sidr tree (Ziziphus spina-Christi) is also known as Lote tree (also found as Ziziphus lotus-Christi), Christ's Thorn, Jujube or Nabkh tree. The Arabic equivalent of Lote is 'sidr' (when rendered in English, usually written as Sidra).  In Qatar, however, it is generally written as Sidra only.  In the Islamic tradition, it is said that Sidrat al-Muntaha  is the huge Sidra tree at the furthest end of the seventh heaven (Quran 53:14). It demarcates the end of the knowledge of the angels. It is believed that angel Gabriel took the Prophet to it, and thereafter, beyond it, God instructed him regarding the salah (five daily prayers). 

In the Qatari culture, the Sidra tree is the iconic symbol of the country's heritage. The Sidra has grown in the deserts of Qatar for generations. With roots that reach deep into the earth, fruit and flowers that nourish and leaves that heal, the Sidra became a beacon of comfort in the harsh desert environment, allowing life to flourish. The Sidra also provided shade and shelter to travellers and scholars, who would escape the desert heat, gather together and share knowledge.

Over time, the Sidra came to represent nourishment, strength and courage, as well as learning and growth. In the hearts and minds of the people of Qatar, the Sidra tree exemplifies perseverance, solidarity and determination. (source unknown)

It is the national tree of Qatar, about which Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, said: 

"The Sidra tree, growing strong and proud in the harshest of environments, has been a symbol of perseverance and nourishment across the borders of the Arab world. What is the significance of this glorious tree? With its roots bound in the soil of this world and its branches reaching upwards toward perfection, it is a symbol of solidarity and determination; it reminds us that goals of this world are not incompatible with the goals of the spirit."

(Qatar Foundation Chairperson, at the inauguration of Education City, 13 October 2003)

Qatar Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 1995 to develop people's abilities through investments in human capital, innovative technology, strategic partnerships and state-of-the-art facilities, has accepted Sidra as its logo taking into account the primacy of this tree in the lives of the desert dwellers and its health value. 

Qatar Foundation also promotes a pre-university co-ed international school for its employees which is named 'Qatar Academy Sidra' and the Education city has a centre named Sidra Medicine, whch is a world-class tertiary health care and research centre, supported by Qatar foundation.

Education City Convention Center of Doha, the headquarters of Qatar Foundation, designed by Arata Isozaki draws inspiration from the tree. Its massive entrance is supported by two massive 250-meter-long doubly curved steel Sidra trees. According to the Quran, they are a symbol of the knowledge of the divine.  It symbolizes the support given to various branches of knowledge and scholarship by the centre. 

Qatar government has made massive plantation efforts, especially in Doha, and even in the desert tracts of the small country along all its highways, with Sidra having the largest count.  Qatar foundation promotes this as part of Quranic Botanical Garden, among the trees mentioned.

Sidra is a popular name for women in the Middle East.  It is also said to mean 'of the stars or like a star'.  It refers to a tree in heaven, mentioned twice in Quran. 
On the coast of Libya, there is a broad inlet named Gulf of Sidra between the towns of Benghazi and Misratah. 

Blooms and Fruits Sidra blooms after the summer, as winter approaches, and the flowers are cream-coloured and not all that eye-catching, but still beautiful.  They are said to be ideal for the bees and honey of this region, especially, Yemen, said to be based on these flowers, is famous. 

By December-January, the trees have fruits.  The fruit has some local appeal in Qatar and perhaps, in all of the Middle East. It is likely that in the pre-oil era, after the dates, these were the only fruits of the desert, and served as a valuable nutritional resource for the people.   It can still be utilised as a valuable addition to the diversity of food-nutrition basket of the region. In an agro-expo organised by Qatar Foundation, I had seen stalls exhibiting products of Sidra - Sidra dried and pulverised to form flour with which organic tea biscuits or cookies are made.  However, I am afraid, with the oil-induced opulence, such considerations are of least significance for the region. 

In the season of its fruits, they are available in the market - from a size of 1 cm to 2 inches in diameter.  They are light green when ripe, but many prefer them when they turn brown.  The bigger ones have become popular, and are most likely a product of hybridization, and are grown in the desert farms of the Middle East. 

Interestingly, the Middle Eastern fruit is botanically named Ziziphus lotus christi or popularly known in Western circles as Christ's Thorn (Spina Christi) with the tradition that a crown of thorns of the tree was pressed onto the head of Christ as part of his persecution by the soldiers prior to his crucifixion. 

In our Qatar campus, we have solemnly planted two saplings, after almost two years of stagnation, now they are growing - slow, but steady! 

Indian Ziziphus - Ber In Northern India, ber is a very popular fruit, with hybridized versions in the market for past many decades.  I think it is a kin of Sidra.   My Botanist colleagues tell me that these are Ziziphus mauritiana (or Indian jujube). However, the fruit and the tree have a very ancient tradition, with reference to it in Ramayana, where the simple Ram devotee, the tribal mother Sabari, is said to have received Ram with great love, and to ensure that he is fed with the best of the fruits she had collected, would taste each one, and the sweeter ones thus tested would be passed on to Ram, who, the maryada purushottam that he is, would without any hesitation, accept and eat them.  The modern Hindutwa is making efforts to 'tribal-wash' Hindutwa, by adulterating the simple and unadulterated devotion of Sabari, as a Hindu tradition of the tribal communities. 

While the desert version of Ziziphus is a real, sturdy, evergreen tree, the sweeter Indian version appears to be more a shrub or a small tree, when compared to the great ones of the desert. 

Sidra - a Kerala Story In my state Keralam, similar plants are found in the drier regions like Palakkad, perhaps, also in Tamil Nadu,  and the fruits are referred to as 'elanthappazham' (Yelanthappazham - Tamil).  There was a famous dance song in my childhood, with the dancer moving about selling 'elanthappazham'... A search on the youtube didn't lead to that, but I got a new one (https://in.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=elanthippazham...+song&type=E211IN885G91648#id=2&vid=df6e1b42406b93f2a4c2809f6d4c625c&action=click

On my recent visit to Keralam, I found a small tree, bearing medium-sized fruits (about 1 inch in length) at the Sacred Heart Monastery campus, Thevara.  Appears that planting Jujube (ber) is getting trendy among the Malayalees. 

On Sacred Heart campus of Sitapur, our former manager Dr John had planted several plants of the hybridized one, and they grew to bear abundant fruit.  One of his successors felt a concrete footpath was a greater priority for the campus and many of the sturdy fruit-bearing trees were sent to the valley of death.  However, thankfully, we still have a plant or two on the campus. 


https://balqees.com/the-story-of-the-precious-sidr-tree -  YEMEN HONEY

Jubilee - 3 Rs and more for a Post-Laudato Si Jubilee celebration April 28, 2024

Jubilation is an English word very commonly used to indicate merriment and celebration of joy.  It appears to be linked with the word 'jubilee' and usually, there is great jubilation around any jubilee.  When we dig back, 'jubilee' is a concept emerging from a mandate of the Old Testament. Leviticus Chapter 25 gives its details. Interestingly, the original Hebrew word 'yobel' (jobel?) means a ram's horn used as a trumpet, calling out to announce the onset of the jubilee year. 

In simple terms, it is the Sabbath of Sabbaths - or the Great Rest!! Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word 'Shabbat' meaning 'to cease' or 'to stop'.  The human need for 'rest' is spiritualised and 'deified' through the religious diktat of 'Sabbath' so that the avaricious human nature may, at least, with some fear of the unknown disciplining almighty, sustain themselves by resting and relaxing for a day, in turn also letting the planet and all other fellow beings have some rest from their work as well! 

Jesus restored the legalistic observance to its original meaning of 'well-being' and 'wholeness' (rest for wholeness, rest with the Lord for wellness), and he was kind of obsessed with ensuring that his Sabbaths were spent in the company of the resting fellow faithful, while boldly going about powerfully 'healing' the afflicted on those days (Acts 10:38)! This is indicative of the prominence Jesus attached to wholeness and wellness in His life and ministry.  Apparently, he lived a frugal, but healthy life. He was never reported ill! He is always on the move! But he is happily there in the company of the rich and the poor, and relishing a good feast that comes his way! 

While we celebrate the jubilee of these two beloved sisters - Sr Mary Clare and Sr Rose Ann of the Holy Cross adhering to the regulations of the third order of the Franciscans - I think they present an apt picture of two disciples of Jesus the Healer, with their training and ministry as a nurse/public health worker and a pharmacist respectively.  Whew! what a terrific ministry - of 5 decades and still both of them in one piece! Most of us present at this gathering have not even lived so many years! Praise the Lord for this ineffable gift! 

When I heard the Gospel being read today - Jn 15:15ff, I felt like Jesus declaring after reading out from Isaiah in the Nazareth synagogue and looking around and telling the congregation: 'this has come true today'. Amen!  In today's Gospel, Jesus says, the one who abides in me, and I in him, shall bear abundant fruits! We are sure that in the past 50 years this dynamics has sustained through them - Them in Jesus, Jesus in them, and abundant fruits, wellness, well-being!  Congratulations, sisters! 

So I feel on such occasions, we need to skip reading a typical Gospel passage.  Instead, we ought to highlight their life and ministry and that should serve as a live-proclamation of the gospel! May words of the gospel today continue to ring true in your lives and in the lives of all those who claim to be Christians, and further doubling up as 'consecrated persons'! 

In this fashion of carrying on the wellness mission of Jesus, they have indeed become partners and leaders of a global process and the global goal of 'good health and well-being' (SDG 3) of the 17 odd goals set by the world nations for the year 2023. The world nations aspire for good health and all the 17 odd goals are directly or indirectly linked to this crucial one.  Some of them bear a very direct link with this vital ministry - no poverty (1), zero hunger (2),  quality education for all (4), gender equality (5), clean water and sanitation (6), affordable and clean energy for all (7), sustainable cities and communities (11), responsible consumption & production (12), climate action (13), life under water (14), life on land (15)  etc.  Let us be proud that hopefully consciously, or unawares, they have been contributing to these noble global goals.  Thank you, sisters! Congratulations! 

When I saw the gathering and recollected the fact that these two senior women, had joined as two very young women or girls from their small neighbourhood of Karanchira (Thrissur) or Thodupuzha (Idukki) of Keralam, and had sacrificed their small families and neighbourhood, the Lord has indeed rewarded by making them truly members of the global family (vasudhaiva kutumbakam), being carers to communities far and near, North and South, East and West!  And this very gathering in the name of this widespread province of the Holy Cross sisters itself is evidence of their attaining this global citizenship!! Again, hearty congrats sisters!  

The church recognises consecrated life as a close following of Jesus Christ, who sought the will of the Father and who went about doing good.  One of my senior confreres, after living this mode of life for over 50 years, commented: whoever be the one who 'invented' this mode of life, should be given a 'nobel prize' - he was putting it in a very light vein, emphasizing the safety and security this life had provided him, though hardly anyone would choose consecrated life with such motives! That is a great gift - being a free moving, available, global family member - in exchange for the sacrifice of one's own small family and possessions!

Today's first reading (Acts 9:26-31) narrates Saul's drastic turn around into Paul, from the pestilent persecutor to the prophetic proclaimer of the gospel, bringing consolation and peace to people. May the jubilee celebrations make the jubilarians and each of us celebrating them, look at our own small and short lives, and resolve for effective turnaround to be harbingers of good news and peace wherever we are sent! 

The Psalms (21:22-30) echo the sentiments of a true Jubilarian - And my soul shall live for him, my children (in this case, it could be the hundreds they have served and nurtured) serve him.  They shall tell of the Lord to generations yet to come, declare his faithfulness to peoples yet unborn: 'These things the Lord has done'. 

Coming back to Jubilee as the Sabbath of Sabbaths, it appears to be a great Economics of material sustainability (thousands of years before the concept itself gained currency), couched in religio-spiritual idioms. It is basically the rest for land or earth to replenish itself, and not to exhaust itself of its limited resources - a cautionary step bearing very well the reality of 'carrying capacity' and 'limits to growth' in mind. 

With the post-Laudato Si thinking, I feel jubilee should take into account, the basic principles of sustainability - the 3 R's of 'Reduce, Reuse and Recycle'.  From the conventional 3 Rs now, two radical R's have been introduced with several others - Rethink and Refuse! Rethinking is a very valuable process to happen with any jubilee - about one's life, one's purposes, one's habits.  However, to me, the biblical jubilee implies another set of R's:

1. Rest - Rest for oneself; we usually term it a Sabbatical! Rest with the Lord (not yet  eternally), but in the Lord's company

2. Review - Rethink: how one's life has been, how it could be in future, how Lord-permeated it is. 

3. Restore, Revive and Renew: Restoration of the relationships is a core of OT jubilee.  The land, the people and their mutual relationships to be tempered with justice, with God, with goodness. That leads to the 'revival' of one's real life, leading to a fresh start again, with the energetic thought that 'today is the first day of the rest of my life'.  

4. Rejoice - for the blessing of life, for the blessing of faith, for this very fantastically unique way of life leading to self-actualisation, for the hundreds who have benefitted from my presence, even when I did not do anything very drastic, if I did much better! Definitely it involves gratitude - for the blessings wrought through me, in spite of my limitations. 

For land and a people, 49+1 = 50  years is not a very long period.  Years and individuals go by, but the land and the people remain.  But for an individual, 50 years of a profession or a career path is a really long one. Even a family life of husband and wife for 50 years is a really long one, with the probability of not accomplishing that by the sheer reason of being alive being very high!  Hence, the ingenious adaptation of a half/mini jubilee at 25 years, to my mind, makes more sense.  It is a good time to rest, recoup, review, restore, revive and renew!  For a Christian disciple, I would say it is an ideal time to visit the Holy Land, get energized from the land where Jesus walked, and get revived for a renewed committment to a life of unconditional and invincible goodness. 

Though not being pessimistic, and praying that the traditional salutation of Yajurveda 36:24 'pashyema sharadashatam' be true in every jubilarian's life, still I am afraid, for an individual, it is meaningful to have a 'jubilee' celebrated at the stage of completing 25 years (a quarter of what is generally referred to as a human being's lifespan - purushayus or better, manushyayus).  

It is indeed heartening to learn that these beloved jubilarians, past their 70, are still active in their ministry!  May they continue to do so... bhooyascha sharadshataat - may they live and see even beyond the hundred!  So for us, the congregation and the faithful, it is indeed a great matter to celebrate this rare feat - a marathon run!! 

However, I feel, it is important that every jubilarian should celebrate one's jubilee by planting a tree, as that would go a long way (symbolically or otherwise) in spreading unconditional goodness - of shade and shelter, of life (water and Oxygen), of food (fruits and leaves), of beauty (leaves and flowers and the tree itself) and of healing (medicine).  As Fr. Bobby Cap. would say: the set of questions for the last judgement has been revised, especially with Laudato Si (2015) & Laudato Deum (2023): No more of the series - Did you feed me? Did you give me to drink etc, rather,  just a single question: Did you plant a tree? So, let each jubilee be accompanied by a suitable tree planted for the future generations! 

So let us all wish our beloved sisters the very best! 

Grateful to God, may they continue to do the good work the Lord has begun in them, and may they continue to be the good news, a hundred years and beyond! 

तत्। चक्षुः॑। दे॒वहि॑त॒मिति॑ दे॒वऽहि॑तम्। पु॒रस्ता॑त्। शु॒क्रम्। उत्। च॒र॒त्। पश्ये॑म। श॒रदः॑। श॒तम्। जीवे॑म। श॒रदः॑। श॒तम्। शृणु॑याम। श॒रदः॑। श॒तम्। प्र। ब्र॒वा॒म॒। श॒रदः॑। श॑तम्। अदी॑नाः। स्या॒म॒। श॒रदः॑। श॒तम्। भूयः॑। च॒। श॒रदः॑। श॒तात् ॥२४ ॥

May you see 100 autumns (years), may you live well a 100 years

May you listen to good things, especially the scriptures a hundred years and may you instruct others in those good ways a 100 years, and May you remain illness-free (healthy) a 100 years! 

And may you see, listen, instruct, remaining healthy for 100 years and more!!

Sunday, 28 April 2024

Peechat Rocks at Peechat Para

It was an unexpected gift! A visit to my friend Tom (Thomas Peechat), the 20th century Kerala version of Henry David Thoreau, the social rebel of 19th century Boston  (https://prasantamcmi.blogspot.com/2023/11/eco-spirtual-trek-with-thoraeu-walden.html).  The night on the verandah of his single-room home, with a separate kitchenette.  A dinner of cooked jackfruit (puzhukku), with mango chammanti (chutney) was indeed a rare treat, with pure, mildly sweet, Caryota palm toddy from the neighbourhood to wash it down. With no wind blowing even the open veranda was stuffy in the Kerala summer.  Perhaps, the forest-like dense growth of trees adds to the warmth and humidity? 

Peechat Rock

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We woke up and took up the challenge of Tom for a visit to Peechat Rock. 

The 125 cc two-wheeler Honda-Glamour was handy enough to carry both of us along the tough, unpaved, uphill track.  Amazing power and in spite of a weakened knee, I still didn't want to give up on the mild adventure involved. We climbed to the top of the hill of the estate of a relative of Peechat family through a nearly worn-out gate with vines almost hiding it, but with PEECHAT boldly fixed on the top of it. There is a jeep track upward, and we stop at a point and trek the rest of the 200-odd metres to the bare rock forming the pinnacle of the hill. 

You have to watch your steps, and then climb onto the rock - which at this stage of my life and with the knee and angles tending to be in non-cooperative mode is a bit difficult, otherwise, for the teens and youth a cakewalk holding some sportive challenge.  This is now becoming popular as 'Peechat Para'.  The hidden beauty was unveiled with the clear felling of the rubber plantation which had been there for decades, and prior to which, for the local population accustomed to the hilly terrain not anything of great interest. But with the modern day of less and less of anything uneven, and more and more of everything wasteful, the youth find it a perfect rendezvous for a trek, a picnic spot with a beer and accumulating litter of plastic bottles, empty beer bottles and plastic wraps of junk-snacks.

But the morning view of the valley was enchanting with the mellow orange cadence of the Sun over the tufts of white cloud blanketing it.  It would have been more pleasing in the infant ruddiness of the Sun. We miss the company of our good friend Andrew, who would be game for any such outing. We have my cousin Sajeev to complete a trinity.  I complete my rounds of Suryanamaskaram, and find a rather perfect balance with Vrkshasanam and a version of Garudasanam. Would have loved to do the head-pose as well, which would have been terrific, after the typical habit of my adventurist nephew Vijay.  But somehow, didn't feel inclined to.  Tom, the trained physical educator that he is, indulged himself in adventurous jumps over the cleft between the top rock, the edge of which is a cliff with the next landing being another hard rock hazardously below. 

We trek down.  I am careful, lest my knees already showing deterioration are not adversely affected. Pineapple plantation is replacing the rubber.  Wildflowers - a sturdier and smaller version of Petunia Aystasia gangetica, and wild jasmines - were everywhere - making those nooks and corners really pretty.  

It is a great spot to be - I would rather suggest the Peechats restrict the entry, perhaps charge a token fee, and ensure that the spot is maintained friendly - litter and plastic-free!! 

Peechat Panankaavu where Peechat Rocks


Back to the 15-acre estate of Tom can be a paradise for a Botanist interested in tropical evergreen flora. Many pockets abound with ferns of all sorts - from the tiny ones to the giant tree ferns. Tom, of late, has altered his lifestyle to include animal friends on to his wild farm.  A level segment of the otherwise undulated land has been cleared of the neglected rubber trees, with a plan to promote tennis. But wild trees like tambakam, kulamavu, marutu etc. abound, in addition to the Bamboo species introduced by him.  Another species in abundance is Cinnamon.  I would rather name it Peechat Cinnamon Enclave! But I would rather go for Peechat Panankaavu (palm grove) - as the campus has a number of Caryota palms (kaali pana), which could yield an abundance of naturally filtered very sweet and inebriating health drink.  In all this, the government is not promotive, but with a restrictive licence raj of the excise department such skill traditions appear to be on the verge of extinction. 

Tom's new companions include country fowls, country ducks, and indigenous cows, one of them giving birth to a rare calf, something like a white tiger - kapila! the regular wild visitors still continue - the family of spurfowl being the most evident! The 10 ft deep natural pond is now home to the ducks, and the clean water is now not really attractive for ordinary humans to have a dip.  

NPP - I am involved with and part of very many NPOs (Non-Profit Organisations), generally, voluntary development organisations.  If they generate wealth beyond their expense, it is usually 'surplus' to be ploughed back into development.  Many of the organisations I associate with are thus.  But individuals, rarely.  My colleagues who are outspoken socialists when it comes to organisation/institution, I have observed, are outright capitalists with an insatiable profit motive, when it comes to individual or family life. But Tom, past 50, though still young, is an exception.  So far, he has been a Non-Profit Person through and through.  His Peechat farm holds great potential for tourism, which can be run on a sustainable basis.  But he seems to be bitten by some waldenism as yet! May the God of small things and big things, but who sustains all things, sustain him well! 

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Gerento-Tourism - On Earth Day encountering 'back-to-the-elements' truth

Happy Earth Day!  April 22, 2024

अथातो भ्रमण  जिज्ञासा ! After exploring scenic tourism, development tourism, agri-tourism, edu-tourism, pilgrim tourism, it was now my turn to do a gerento-tourism.  With the short time, available I went around four districts and about 400 kilometres to meet with the elderly in my circle. 

Had a long day starting with my young IITian yoga tutor online. Then putting my privileged room in the provincial house back to order. I managed to reach Vimalayalam and spent some 'quality' time with 

Aetty. Sr Sophie, Dr Sr Alphonsa etc gathered around. Aetty was going about carrying a pack of medicines, and cribbing about no one to help her out with the application of the eye drops. Sophie examined and found that 3 of the small plastic dispensers were all empty and she had a new one along. Now she suspects. Perhaps, my endorsement makes it easier for her to let go! I unwrap the packed new ones, there are 2 of them. 

I agree to have a lime juice lest Aetty intervenes and creates a mess. She is under control today. Sr Alphonsa, the only doctor of the congregation is energetic, and tries to reason it out with Aetty.  Aetty is unhappy, as she has no (health) problems, but because of her sight & hearing impairment, she is not able to do what she wants.  I  point out to her the examples of people who have nothing, and the many things we have that we take for granted. I tell her about our former provincial Bp Gregory who has gone blind, and at 90, the congregation didn't feel like experimenting with a treatment costing around 30 lakhs, with no guarantee of eyesight restored, but he leads a cheerful life. And I challenge her to take up her daily cross for the

millions who are even much worse disposed. And she kind of swallows in and doesn't refute.  I also tell her about the status of Vellichayan and refers to his gradual loss of memory to register with her the blessedness she enjoys.  Apparently, she was put to ease...Don't know for how long! She is comforted to learn that Vivek and Annie are doing well. 

We have plenty of kisses and hugs. I should have said a prayer. We force a smile on her to take a pic. I insist her not to come down and she is ok with it.

Next time, if possible, I hope to find time to visit her and join the community celebration of the mass. 

I also meet Sr Eliamma, Sr Thressiamma who all gracefully greeted me and enquired after the rest of my brothers and sisters. 

My visit to Vellichayan was fine. Vellichayan was found to be healthy physically. When Aji asked if he knew Prashant achan, he agreed.  But when he asked about who this was,  he was unable to place.  That is not a very happy experience though.  I was happy to see Aji taking time out of his working schedule to be with his father - He has found a placement in Australia (what great possibilities) which helps him to travel easily and take off from the job, as and when required. 

This time, I had many such visits. At Muvattupuzha, I met Fr Gallus, 90+, almost confined to room, and bed, but still able to move about.  There was Fr Joachim, former energetic prior of Thevara & manager of the press - he appeared ok for his age, Fr Kuriakose, a silent but persevering missionary who used to trek the several miles to KAITHAPPARA Sunday after Sunday for several years - he is almost bedridden. Then there was Fr George Kalambukatt, who was of a younger lot, in early 70s, but suffering from memory loss. He spoke normally and gave the appearance of having recognized me. 

Thereafter, at Chethipuzha, Changanachery I found our former rector and general, Rev. Dr Mampra Thomas. He struggled to respond, but was finding it difficult to keep his eyes open.   I recall his glorious days as the powerful rector of Dharmaram college, due to his unexpected raids of our sections to instil discipline, we used to call him 'ripper'. I met the very powerful and musically inclined Fr Vempala, who made Christ, Trivandrum, a welcoming community, the tradition continues to this day.  There are very cheerful ancient presences like Fr Ludovicos (whom our friends used to call with the addition, mar Malpiduthabava) who appeared lean and strong past his 90s. Similarly, Fr Sebastian Pinel, who was keen and eager,  supported by his Walker.  I connected him with his batchmate, the great scholar Agastya (Thottakkara) of Kochi. I also met Frs Ignatius Prakuzhy, Joseph Puthenpura, John... of the twins.  Puthenpura was very vibrant, was active and appeared well on his way to normal life after his latest tryst with a heart attack. My former scripture professor Rev Dr Antony appeared very energetic for his age.  Many of them were casting votes in the election with the new provision for those elderly to cast votes at their own residence.    

At Karukutty, I felt blessed to have spoken with Fr Jose Koluthara my guru, a radically creative spirit. I tried to comfort him saying that his mantle of creativity has been taken over with great gusto by my confrere and his disciple, Rev Dr Varghese Panthalookkaran. He appeared much better than what the reports about him said. We spoke for about 8 minutes.  I was consoled to find him in a much better shape and spirit than I had expected, though he is in need of a wheelchair now. I had a longer chat with the bible scholar Fr Palatty, who appeared ok, though he is in need of assistance. The great liturgiologist Rev Dr Pathikulangara was there, almost confined to room and bed, still fully conscious and able to eat, read and speak.  He even manages to check his WhatsApp messages. 

At Thevara, I met the evergreen Fr Austin, who was and is and shall be at Thevara - student,  teacher, manager, senior citizen, college mentor. past 85 and an open heart sugery, he seemed to underscore the commitment to life. I told him that I was visiting older people all over, but didn't visit him, as he was still young. We had a hearty chat! 

But before all that, on the very day of my arrival,  I had started with Fr Alex, my professional mentor, who in his mid-eighties and after an angioplasty almost 20 years ago, and a stroke a few months ago, is still maintaining an office schedule - occupying himself as the finance director of the huge Rajagiri Hospital.  Others in the combat were Fr John Thekkekkara, who is able to move around, but is requiring assistance, Fr Pynadath another giant in the field of school education of our province, is now gone thinner, and hence able to manage himself better and his assistant also is able to help him better. He appeared fresher, leaner, more graceful, but unable to speak as he had undergone a tracheostomy some 3 years ago.   Fr Mathew Vattathara, with whom I had lived many years under the same roof, has to undergo dialysis thrice a week, and has to follow a very strict diet, not to let his potassium levels go up, and also keep his creatin level under check.  I also meet my former prior and provincial, and a giant predecessor at SH, Rev Dr Jose Kuriedath. He has thinned down, and is combating pancreatic cancer bravely.  Chemos - but still attending office at the director of Rajagiri Engg College. 

But on the last day, I was happy to meet Thankamani chechi, the mother of my good friends James and Sunny, our neighbour.  At 97, she must be the seniormost citizen of Perumanur. Still pleasant and cheerful, but suffering a hearing loss, though not total.  She was very happy to meet me. 

I try to stop over and see Paily Chettan, (the veteran congress worker who used be called 'swagatam paily' as he was invariably the one who would do the welcome address in all such public meetings) but could not. His  family plot appears like a miniature Walden without a pool, all the same a mini forest. I meet Achutti (I always thought he was James) and his wife Annie, they are past 80!! Can't imagine. They are now our next door neighbours, and chechi was saying, she enjoys looking through window at the greenery of our ancestral plot of land! She said that while she was looking at that plot in the morning she wondered where the achan might be now!! That is nice.  

Missed to have a picture with Ammini aunty (Nisha's mom) - that too was part of the gerento-tour.

OMG! Old age sets in. And we have to be ready for the limited editions of our lives!

Signs are evident: I forgot my bag at Manikath house, but before soon, I remembered and got it back from there; at SH I forgot my phone, the story repeated, and someone brought it for me to the monastery.  Painstakingly, I had gathered documents regarding my teaching career, and safely kept them in a folder, only to forget it at Kalamassery as I hurried back to the airport. (That was fun - riding to Kudackachira for the wedding of a former colleague's son, in our e-car, I found it nearly impossible to reach the airport.  Hence got a motorbike brought to me en route, shifted to it, and rode with the rider as the pillion and rushed to the airport, just to manage the check-in, in time!! Felt almost like Phileas Fogg.)

On the trip, at Kainakari, St Chavara's birthplace -  I am glad to catch up with my old friends ageing with me! They are doing fine!  I also meet with the new generation of the CMIs all energetic.  We all share the lunch together at Chavara's family property!  The tiny island hamlet is now connected by a bridge - I feel (perhaps, that is a tourist perspective), it would have been better the other way about! 

Already I feel impaired - my knees reveal deterioration of the bones, even the bones of the fingers do. Dukha Satya! Accept it, and do the good one can!!  And further, get ready to disintegrate into the elements from which we emerged! 

May the source of all goodness and strength empower us on that path!

Sunday, 21 April 2024

The Great Commission: Mtt 28:16-20, II Cor 13:5-15, Josh 1:1-9, 2 Chr 15:1-7

The Great Commission: This Sunday presents before us the Great Commission of Jesus. 

Often the question arises who is a missionary.  In the assembly of the faithful today, I asked how many of them were missionaries.  None of them raised hands. Earlier, when I was involved in the ministry of education at Rajagiri and Sacred Heart in Kochi, people have asked me, 'Are you in some mission? or are you a missionary?' invariably my answer would be 'yes'. (This implied mission was some territory where Christianity was unfamiliar and missionary, someone who worked to announce the Christian message in such regions.) Then they would further probe as to where or which, and I would respond 'Kalamassery or Thevara'.  This usually brings a smile to their face, as they would either think I was trying to be funny, or they would get what I was at. 

By accepting to be a Christ disciple, vouching that one is a Christian, ipso facto, one is a missionary, carrying out this great commission of our faith leader.  However this presupposes Christ and his message are the first priority for the Christian, and one is passionate about them and feels benefitted by it, and hence wants to share the same goodness with others. In today's India, where the very term missionary is becoming a politically incorrect term, and those bearing the title or the nomenclature of Christian, becoming increasingly vulnerable to all sorts of attack and intimidation, especially the Norther we are, the rigider the anti-sentiment towards Christians.  However, the great commission is that we announce this message to all nations, and the best possible way is a true Christian life, lived after the norm of our life, Jesus Christ. 

The Great Commandment: What is the mission or proclamation all about? That takes us to the second aspect of today's message:  The Great Commandment.  The Lord in his parting message instructs all of us to 'teach all nations to observe all that he had commanded'.  What is that he has commanded - he had summarised all that into 2 simple statements, 'love God' and its practical aspect 'love neighbour'.  The love of the neighbour is the test case, and it is expressed through unconditional and unlimited goodness. St. Paul stresses this when he says that 'you do what is right' or 'do good' irrespective of the adverse situations, irrespective of the failure of the leaders (II Cor 13:7). The test of being a Christian is the ability to follow Jesus who went about doing good - an outpouring of unconditional goodness is what sets a Christian apart from others. 

St. Paul adds a dimension of this praxis to Christian leadership. He reiterates the function of leadership, or authority in the church is to promote growth (II Cor 13:10).  So the test case for a Christian who exercises office or position of authority is to examine whether that is supportive of the growth of the people who are subjected to such authority. 

The Great Promise: But this requires the conviction that 'Christ is within us' (II Cor 13:5), the support of His empowering presence within which can strengthen us always and everywhere.  We need this faith, we need this experience. May the Lord fill us with this experience so that we may be able to go about sharing Him.  However, this promise is not anything new.  The Israelites in their migratory trail from Egypt to the promised land experienced it as an empowering and protecting presence, easily withdrawn in the face of their forsaking the commandments of the Lord.  They had a keen sense of this empowering presence, almost physically there around the Tabernacle or in the cloud-by-day or fire-by-night experience.  However, they thought it was their own exclusive possession and privilege.  This is what Jesus, the Israelite, transforms into an abiding presence within for anyone who seeks.  He is the father of all and showers rain (of water and of all graces) on all beyond human boundaries and barriers. 

This is the third aspect of today's message as is seen all the passages for reading for Sunday solemnity - the abiding presence of God through Jesus. 

Our challenge is to experience that in us, and also in others, and announce that through our lives and relationships with Him, with other human beings and also with the planet and all other beings on it. 

PS: As we reflect on the Lord's promise of his presence, we also recall the promise of the land to dwell for the Israelites. In a wider context today, it is the right of every being (human and others) to have the land (earth) for oneself to live with dignity befitting one's life.  And Israel-Palestine conflict is one such blot on the planet where millions are getting deprived of this great blessing. The map of the promised land, has shrunk much in size for Israel from Joshua's times. But for Palestinians, it is not even there! So too are several other cases like Ukraine, or Myanmar (Rohingiyas) or several countries of Africa!  

Lord, at times, I feel thoroughly lost, and feel like asking 'where is your promise - of the land, and of your abiding presence?' Correct us, strengthen us and heal your world and your people that they may all experience your goodness and abundance of life. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the great promise of your abiding presence to strengthen us in the great mission you have entrusted to us. Lord with the blind man of the gospel, we pray: We want to see.  We want to see you! We want to experience you within us, with us! Bless us with your healing and empowering touch, so that we may boldly announce the message of your unlimited goodness to all through our lives.  May we do that throughout our life. May we accomplish your commission daily through a life of goodness lived. Amen  

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Sitapur, UP & Sitamarhi - Some Sitavichar living in Sitapur

Sitapur is the town (pur - pura - puram) of Sita, and it is about 200 kilometres away from Rama's city - Ayodhya.  In Uttar Pradesh (UP) there is also a district and a town named Rampur (between Bareilly and Moradabad) and a town named Ramnagar in Nainital district. 

While Sitapur is said to be associated with Sita, it is not evident. Sita is thus named after the Sanskrit word furrow, as she was said to have been found in a furrow by the just king Janaka of Mithila.  (Because of these, she is also Janki and Maithili.  Interestingly, Maithili is also one of the 22 official languages listed by the Indian state, spoken in certain parts of India and is the 2nd most spoken language in Nepal. It has great similarity to Hindi). Mithila is shown on Google map as 27 km from Janakpur, the district headquarters of Dhanusa in Nepal.  The two places are about 725 km away from Sitapur of UP, which is on the Lucknow-Bareilly national highway, about 100 km away from Lucknow. 

I feel happy to be living in a town and district named after the most influential feminine figure of Hindu tradition.  She is not just a pious, obedient wife and mother, but a symbol of human and feminine earthiness, power, determination, courage, independence and daring. (Indian Express*)

Travel through Sitapur gives the impression of a sleepy, bucolic district which has lot of mango groves and sugarcane fields. That gels well with the original meaning of Sita, furrow - as she is the daughter of earth, Sitapur also appears to be a child of earth, with the predominance of agriculture in the district. Wikipedia indicates that Sitapur was founded by Vikramaditya!! It was under the Mughal rule, then under Nawab of Awadh.  By 1858, it came under the British rule. 

Sitapur township is a municipality (nagarpalika) with 30 divisions and the population is about 1.8 lakhs.  The town appears ugly and unkempt.  The lack of waste management skills coupled with the modern consumerist economy hugely dependent on plastic packaging has done immense damage to the human environment, all around which is unmanaged plastic waste.  Though having a lot of open fields, Sitapur town area AQI is generally above 250 (Perhaps, this may be more true with the township of Sitapur, than the rest of the district).  It may be the sugar mills around the place leading to such poor air quality. 

The monotony of upper Gangetic plains is broken by rivers - some small, some big - flowing through the district - Gomti, Kathana, Pirai, Sarayan, Ghaghra and Sharda.  There are sandy stretches along the rivers, called bhurs

There are seven Thehsils in the district -  Biswan, Leharpur, Mahmoudnagar, Mishrik, Maholi, Sidhauli, and Sitapur.

I go about exploring the nasty appearing township - the Cantt Road is rather well laid and well maintained. As you enter the old town, it is a typical old-style North Indian town - you go to Najibabad, or Satna - it is almost the same. Narrow roads, vehicles parked around, littered all through, shops on both sides, street vendors and thele wallah, rickshaws and e-rickshaws moving helter-skelter.  Total chaos.  I find the ghanta ghar - a structure indicating some antiquity. But very poorly maintained. 

A short stopover at the old town of Lerharpur led me to a temple of architectural and antique value.  IT is just 2 kilometres off the town at Kesariganj, Naveen Nagar -  Bholenath Temple (Shivala) and Radha-Krishna Temple in one campus. The  Bholenath structure is really imposing and with an abundance of intricate artwork.  It is having 4 huge towers on the four corners and a terraced platform leading to the sanctuary.  The Radhakrishna temple appeared more alive, with some rituals happening and a young priest around, and warmly providing us with the prasad of the deity.  The temple structures were said to have been by the local King of Kattesar Raja Pratap Singh. The king's palace, which is still being used could be found beyond that. 

There is a deep well, which has water, but is ill-maintained. Adjoining the temple property is a spacious tank which again wore an uncared-for look. The campus has other structures too - one of them has been converted into an intermediate college building. 

I felt that an architectural treasure trove is being gradually given to degradation and destruction in spite of it being under ASI.

There are two imposing gates marking the two access points to Leharpur town - both modern and funded by the government. One with an architecture with distinct Islamic features, and the other royal, but modern and imposing. I wonder how such a huge wastage of public money could be afforded. My assessment is that both put together, it might have cost at least 2 crores for the structures.

Towards the east of the city, River Sharada flows with great power and life.  It emerges from Kalapani in Uttarakhand, passes kissing Nepal and flows through UP to merge with Ghagra which eventually joins the river Ganges. Humans have intervened to divide her to tap her waters for irrigation.  There is a barrage erected and the flow of the river itself provides an enchanting locale, though the premises are kept filthy with unmanaged waste.  I learn that fish abound in the river. The area close to Sharadanagar has the potential to be developed into a very good picnic spot. 

Sitamarhi in Bihar, about 140 kms from Patna, boasts to be part of the old Mythila where Sita was
found by Janaka.  It is very close to the Nepal border. Unlike Sitapur, UP, this place is quite close to Janakpur of Nepal, just 60 kilometres.  It is called Janki Sthan and the spot is termed Urjiva Kund in Dumra.  A temple dedicated to Mother Sita is found in Punaura Dham Sitamarhi, close to which a rock-cut sanctuary from Mauryan days is also found.  The spring festival of Ramnavami and the feast of the wedding of Ram and Sita are 2 prominent festivals of the locality. 

P.S.I am awaiting to learn about other places linked to Sita and Ram. 

Sitapur - On a Regressive Industry Track? 

I had the good fortune to meet with Shri Pankaj Singh Gaur, who runs the prominent media channel of Sitapur - Eye India. The channel is said to be having a subscription of over 5 crore.  For his contributions of last 3 decades, he has been honoured by Lucknow university with 'manad' title. 

He feels that the district in the past few years has been a victim of government neglect and wrong policies thanks to which several industries have closed down. Prominent among them are 1) Plywood products factory - a plywood industry, which used to be a leader in the field in India and even, Asia. It had three shifts of more than 1000 staff for each of them. The factory which was established in 1939 has been locked down since 2001. It is on the highway no. 24 on the outskirts of Sitapur town. 


There had been over 100 small-scale factories of groundnut - all of which have shut down. Was it lack of produce leading to their shut down, or  shutting them down leading to the ground nut production taking a back seat - this is yet to be studied. 




Good shepherd - Jn 10:10-30 & Rev 3:15-22 April 20, 2024

Jn 10:10b. The greatest promise of the good shepherd is the abundance of life.  His reference point is the Father, source of all life!  And what he does is to turn everyone's goals to the perfection of the father.  And the father's perfection is compassion.  "Be compassionate as your Father in Heaven is compassionate". Lk 6:36-38. 

The gospel invites us on the one hand to seek solace and comfort in the protection and guidance of the Good Shepherd, and on the other hand, to turn the mirror on oneself and see to what extent I am a good shepherd. 

Abundance of life, we usually take it in the sense of having a life of fulfilment - typically accomplishments in life and healthy interpersonal relationships. There are several instances in which we tend to lose life through human interactions. Some interactions take away life - people may fall into depression, and it is almost death, though the person might still be alive! 

'Dead, though still alive' -  chattatinokkume jeevichchirikkilum!

Generally, our reflections do not take us beyond the psycho-socio-spiritual realm as far as 'life in abundance' is concerned. Yes, we would examine it from Maslow's hierarchy of needs peaking at 'self-actualisation'.  But Maslow begins with the basic needs - physiological (food, clothing, shelter) and safety-security needs. In Sanskrit tradition, it is spoken of as 'shareeramaadyam khalu dharma sadhanam'.

Last 3 weeks, I attended an online training in Yoga - organised totally free for faculty members by Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU)  and led by Saurabh Bothra, an IIT (Banares) graduate.  Habuild (Habit building) is his startup venture, more from the passion to spread the message of the fullness of life through Yoga, than from the quest for earning profits. It tries to make Yoga available for people of all situations - irrespective of their physical limitations.  For him, the commitment to life begins with gratitude for the gifts (of life) which we often tend to forget. And the expression is a smile on your face - a smile for all the world!! 

I feel in today's world keeping oneself and one's flock fit, with gratitude for the gift of life, is a responsibility of the good shepherd.  A fitness culture is to be part of Christian commitment to life.  But it can go beyond theorizing to praxis, by the very valuable services of regular blood donation, pledging of organs for donation at one's inevitable departure from life etc.  

However, against the background of undeniable climate change, global warming and vital resources like water and air getting increasingly polluted on account of irresponsible or perhaps casual or ignorant human behaviour, it is an important task of the good shepherd to educate one's flock about human impact and human responsibility to preserve the life-supporting resources as well as mitigate the damage humans do to them.  It can easily take the form of 'NET ZERO PARISH' or CARBON NEUTRAL SCHOOL etc. 

Jn 10:14 Good shepherd knows the sheep.

Am I among the sheep of the Good Shepherd? It is consoling to learn that he knows me. But very often I am in doubt. Does he really know me? It is more than often a one-way traffic. Apply - apply - no reply! I feel jealous of St. Paul, who is said to be a great apostle - the apostle.  But with the kind of experience he was given, I don't think there is anything so surprising about that. I challenge the good shepherd to provide me with some such experience and see what I would be like! If all this is real, our task is much more onerous and to live spiritedly is much more challenging!

I have questions - the very same questions from time immemorial - or perhaps, from the time people began to believe in God as love: why does God permit all these?  The Jesus-solution is to leave it to God resignedly saying: not my will, but Thy will be done.  He showed the inevitability of human suffering, and set a course by which it can be faced, while also making efforts to ameliorate sufferings of others.  The reason is yet to be found, though the religions, especially the Christian editions, have discovered some thesis in the 'original sin' and Jesus' sacrifice as the expiation for the same and the channel of grace for all. 

I can only continue to pray: Lord I believe, help my unbelief.  That is a nice prayer fitting the human predicament even after 2000 years! 

Christian literature and culture have many elements to comfort and console playing the good shepherd like the Psalm 23, or hymns like: God will take care of you.  But I am waiting for the Lord to speak and hear him!

While I have list of items to crib about - neglect, lack of recognition, ill health... a casual reflection makes me realise how blessed I am! God is indeed taking care of me - food, clothing, shelter... almost anywhere you go, you are received.  I visited the ailing and the aged of our circles in the last two days - they are being well taken care of.  And I feel I am able to go around and move - bike and walk, even hike! My God, what a blessing! In spite of all the minor ailments which are there on account of the age setting in, I am blessed. It is the Loving Shepherd that takes care of me! 

I am bound to be grateful for the care of the Shepherd that I take for granted, and gratefulness is to be expressed in cheerfulness in life, not being grumpy, spreading a smile and reaching out to others in consolation. 

My young online Yoga instructor, a smart IITian with a startup HABUILD, begins the daily instruction with the reminder to be cheerful and grateful! The Reiki practitioner would advise to start the day, with the first pledge - Just for today, I shall show the attitude of gratitude. 

I am also bound to spread the message of care of the shepherd by caring for those of my flock, knowing their distress and making efforts to bring comfort to them. 

In my turn, am I a good shepherd who knows one's sheep? 

I am inspired by the modern-day banks, which year after year, try to update the data of their clients.  They call the exercise KYC - Know Your Customer/Client. How is my KYS? Do I have any sheep?  Typically, a parish priest/a pastor is having a flock - a Christian flock, and how far do such shepherds know their sheep? I felt deprived that I am not having such an opportunity. 

Do we as shepherds know our sheep? Their specific situations, their difficulties, their constraints, their stresses and strains, their anxieties? Do they know that we know? 

In counselling psychology, this calls for the skills of 'understanding' and 'empathy'.  You understand their situation, you sense the implications from their point of view, and you are able to communicate that you know that so that they feel reassured, comforted, and fortified. 

Good shepherd knows the sheep - knowing requires listening. Listening patiently to what they have to say, visiting them, sparing time for them, and listening with your eyes, observing and hearing what they do not articulate in words!  I think the non-formal or evangelical churches are able to win people to them (is it to Christ or merely to them?) because of their ability to know the sheep, through listening to them and understanding them, and being of support to them, in the times of their distress. 

For a Christian, especially an ordained minister or a consecrated person in religious life, any field of one's entrusted mission is the pasture and all who come into their contact ought to be the flock to be listened to and responded to.  Usually, it is one-way here - especially with the institutions: it is orders and commands and communique; and not dialogue and listening and responding.  It is safer to order about and get the tasks done. We slowly and successfully manage to run our small militaries efficiently, having the reputation for being disciplinarians and administrators. 

And we think we are right, and we know the best, and we are comfortable with it. Hence, Rev.3:17 would say, for you say, 'I am rich and affluent and have no need of anything,' and yet do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.  Jesus asks us to get away from our comfort zone and reach out in listening, understanding, solidarity and collaboration with people beyond our conventional thinking of flock.

The Shepherd is asking me to be a good shepherd realizing the magnitude of my pasture, the numbers of my flock, realising that everyone around is a sheep of my pasture - my coworkers, my students, the parents of my students, their families.  As a good shepherd it is my duty to know them, or as an institution, to be a good shepherd to them through a caring culture of KYS!! With the staff being formed into a larger body of like-minded shepherds caring for the flock. 

Jn 10:16 I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.  These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.

This was the fanciful thinking of many Christians that all will follow one religion, and will become Christians.  All the more, perhaps, for the Catholics, recognising themselves as the true Christians and all will come to be Catholics!  Barclay tries to make a distinction between flock and the fold. He suggests that the original version is about flock and not fold, and says that even in different folds people can be one flock, who follow the Good Shepherd. 

Whatever be the nuances of such terminologies, we could very well realise that what is more important is to 'listen to the Good Shepherd' and live accordingly, rather than having the same assembly. Jesus recognizes the importance of reaching out to others and help them to be part of the flock - is it for any demonstration of power or for the overall growth of the reign of God - of justice, peace and joyfulness?  Can Christian living be a witness of these core values, that people feel touched by them? Or do we remain an alienated community practising our specific rituals, happily taking care of 'our sheep', and leaving the rest to themselves? 

The wide network of schools and social service and healthcare institutions all over India is a great opportunity for the shepherding task.  The mission is to spread the good news of care and build up a culture of justice, peace and joy, as John Paul would say, a 'civilization of love'! Indian ranking of 126 (146) in the Happiness Index 2024 and 134 (193) on the Human Development Index should be a challenge to all of us in various domains to engage with these values through our institutions, that the Good Shepherd's experience is there for all who come into contact with us. 

How do we reach out to others in Christ? 

This requires the ability to cultivate culture and circles of tolerance, understanding, coexistence, solidarity and collaboration.  This requires building bridges on an ongoing basis in various directions, rather than feeling smug and complacent with our rituals and feasts.  

Our religion is more about preserving our different identities through rituals than about being 'followers of Christ'.  We try to make distinctions with the Catholic church on the basis of rites and make the divisions stronger and rigid, similarly, we try to make distinctions between the Catholics and other Christians, and hardly ever seek avenues where we can come together as followers of Christ - guided by the Good Shepherd, His words and His life. 

The mission involved in engaging in dialogue with cultures is a very important one, which has been really marginalised. The importance of secular platforms where people of all faiths or no faith could come, dialogue, solve problems and act together for the common good, is a great mission for today. 

Very often, we fail to be good shepherds to our flock - whether in a typical parish or in a more difficult situation of running an institution or an organisation.  This cannot be merely done by preaching gospel in the conventional mode; But Jesus gives a clue, and he dares those who challenged him in his times:  The works I do in my Father's name testify to me (Jn 10:25); and he dares his followers when he speaks to the Church of Laodecia (Rev. 3:3) I know your works, I know you are neither hot or cold. 

Lord, be you the Good Shepherd to me! May I be assured of your guidance.  May I find you 'reproving and chastising' (Rev. 3:19) me when I feel like deprived and neglected; May you  find me earnest and repenting on my waywardness. (Rev. 3:19). May I be alert to hear your knock at the door of my house, so that I may open and receive you in to have the privilege of dining with you. 

Jn 10:11 The Good Shepherd may lay down one's life for the flock.  This was hardly a possibility in our country, till recently, notwithstanding the courageous exceptions of Bl Rani Maria or Blessed Graham Steins. Now with Fr Stan Samy and with the increasing mobilisation of majoritarian religion with others being depicted as enemies, the possibility of laying down the life is much more.  Not that there is continuous threat or harassment everywhere, but the probability of any spark being spread into a conflagration is much greater. 

That we are able to convert such opportunities into another work of the shepherd's care would  be our challenge now. 

O Loving Shepherd of your sheep, thank you for being our caring shepherd.  Thank you for the assurance that you know me, know us, though very often I find it hard to believe! Help my unbelief. May, in my turn, I be a shepherd after your heart, knowing my sheep, listening to them, and they listening to me, and we all being one in your spirit of goodness and care, justice and peace! 


Yahowa charwaha mera (Hindi)

Yahowayam deivam en idayanatre (Malayalam)

Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep (English)

God will take care of you... (English)