Monday, 17 October 2022

Some Food for Thought on World Food Day - Oct 16, 2022

Some Food for Thought on World Food Day - Oct 16, 2022

Poverty Paradox - Indian Currents Oct 17, 2022

The Lord's prayer is to 'give us today the food we need' (bread is an alien item for us, and what Jesus meant too was food - hence substituting the traditional term bread.  as almost all Indian language translations have done). It is also an invitation to live in the present - in today! This spirit of a need-based-divine-economy was not altogether new.  Proverbs had prayed: “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” (Proverbs 30:8)It is a prayer for food security, and primary concern for humans - air usually taken for granted; and water also assumed to be available. But water-security has indeed become a major threat along with food security, with more than 800 millions lacking safe drinking water. 

It is said in humour that the only permitted pleasures for a sannyasi (in Christian tradition), would be those above the throat - though today, that too could mean many things, what was typically implied was the pleasures of the palate.  I am afraid, in the Hindu tradition, even this aspect had very limited scope. 

Whereas, in Christian tradition of sannyasa, usually termed 'consecrated life' (or more commonly referred to as 'religious life' among the Christians), had many aspects of abstinence, fasting etc., still there used to be feasts every now and then, that accommodated indulgence of the palate with gratitude to the Creator for the good things of life. 

So I must confess, like great many people, food is one among those topping my list of enjoyments. Eating together in fellowship, is indeed an energizing experience. I am secretly comforted to observe that Jesus was someone who sensed that with his life-style that showed the importance of enjoying food with gratitude, he was likely to be termed a glutton! He relished and promoted fellowship meals. Some of his greatest teachings occurred across such fellowship tables.  He even prepared a meal ready for them, after their tiring fishing encounter in Galilee. But he was concerned when people didn't have food.  And he addressed this primary concern of all beings, not just in the beautiful prayer he taught, but actually ensuring food for his exhausted and hungry followers.

And world food day is more about securing food for all, than enjoying food.  Ideally, the entire world should be able to have enough, safe and relishable food. But far from it, there are millions in the modern, proud, progressive, prosperous, affluent world who are literally starving, dying from malnutrition and dying from having no food. 

Then comes the shocking revelation of Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022 by Concern Worldwide (Irish) and Welt Hunger Hilfe (German), two international voluntary organisations, placing India on 107th position among the 121 nations listed, indicating a serious 'hunger' situation in India. First impressions response from my end, as someone involved in social sector to some extent, someone who has travelled all over the country, is that this appears mistaken, if not exaggerated.  To our impressions, India should be faring far better on these parameters than Pakistan or Nepal.  

The four criteria by which the GHI is evolved is 1) Undernourishment 2) Child wastage 3) Child stunting 4) Infant Mortality.  The  Government of India have protested and have questioned its validity and reliability.  In this respect, I feel the government statistics are to be considered a starting point, though validity checking measures could be employed against them. I am seriously doubtful if this has been done by those behind the index. With the largest network reaching out to children and women called Integrated Child Development Service Scheme, which makes provision for almost all children requiring food in all parts of the country, I still am unable to grapple with the report indicating 'hunger status' of India at a serious level - serious as per the standards set. (It should indeed  be a matter of seriousness if there is involuntary hunger on account of food deprivation or inadequacy for anyone anywhere in the country). 

Besides the nation wide ICDS network, with 2 paid and trained staff to reach out to every 1000 population,  the employment guarantee scheme (MGNREGS) founded on the principle of entitlements related to right to life and livelihood, is yet another revolutionary initiative by the state, flaws in implementation of both the programme notwithstanding. This finding or allegation by a global agency is indeed a matter of shame for all of us Indians. What is the source of their data to cross check with the criteria they have set, is a very important question  that remains to be addressed. 

We are all very sure that India has sufficient resources to feed all its mouths as things stand now. Either it is a matter of missing links through corruption or lack of information at the level of the needy that is causing the problems, if any.  But here the role of individual citizens and households becomes very significant - It has to be a duty of every citizen to ensure that there is no one around oneself who is having no food to eat. The right platform would be the local self government with each locality being represented by a local person who is supposed to know the small population s/he represents and ought to be ever-ready to present their issues on all available platforms.  

From a sustainability perspective, today our focus is to ensure that maximum families take up the responsibility to 'grow food' (SDG 12 responsible production) to move towards the great goal of 'no hunger' (SDG 2) by 2030.  Besides this, there should be voluntary initiatives (like Organic Kerala Charitable Trust, Kochi of which I am proudly part of), focusing on identifying and preserving the food bio-diversity of localities, which can be contributing towards addressing the issue of food security at the local levels.  If we take the example of Keralam, the immense potential of agro-forestry with food producing trees, with jack tree in the lead and very many tubers requring minimum inputs are to be very strongly promoted.  Taal, Takara (local greens sprouting in rains), chempu, chena (yams), chakka (jackfruit), maanga (mango), thenga (coconut), kappa (tapioca) etc. - locally available, seasonal conventional food crops of Keralam can be rich resources to rethink our food habits and take one step towards creating locally sustainable self-reliant communities. 

Finally, world food day, is definitely also about food production - and the producers of food - who tend the earth, and create miracle from the earth season after season on which the human world survive.  A day to remember with gratitude the farming community, and the divine engagement they are in.  A day to reinforce the honour and dignity due to their fundamental work in the work in any given economy. And also a day to promote a Christian culture of in the spirit of ‘till and keep’ (Gen. 2:15).  

I hope the local Christian communities will wake up to the 21st century divine call to be stewards of our common home and of our ‘brothers and sisters’, as pointed out by Pope Francis through his encyclicals ‘Laudato Si’ and ‘Fratelli Tutti’.

P.S. As I concluded this anna vicharam (food thought) on the 17th of October, it struck me that it was the feast of St. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, Syria, who was attained martyrdom under Trajan around 107 AD. On his impending death, he wrote to the church of Rome about bread: "I am God’s wheat, and I am to be ground by the teeth of wild beasts, so that I may become the pure bread of Christ.”  He is said to have been killed by wild beasts in the Colosseum. In the English circles his spirit is retained by a  famous offertory hymn, 'United in one body with Jesus Christ the Lord...'

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