Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Ghar Vaapsi of Malayalee Marthommans to the Kaldaaya fold

Where do we draw the line for accepting traditions or reinstating them? 

If we argue by the Eastern-Chaldean/Syrian tradition - so what are the traditions we would accept?

If we argue for maintaining traditions in tact: 

1. Let us do away with the Malayalee Syro Malabar bishopric - that is local, for we never had local bishops, let us have bishops from Antioch or Syria

2. If at all, we accept bishopric, it is not to be done thus, but modality of choosing the bishops also should be followed. If the people had a say in that, let us get back that too. 

3. Our tradition did not have daily eucharist or auricular confession.  So why don't we do away with them? And confine ourselves to public confessions or mass absolutions? And let the Eucharist be the special, Sabbath day solemn celebration, instead of a daily routine. 

4. We had married clergy and we have adopted a western, latin system to introduce the celibate (unmarried) clergy.  It is against our tradition to have unattached clergy. 

5. We never had any adoration or eucharistic devotion. - how can we accommodate them, they are all latin and western?

6. The novenas, benediction all these are latin traditions - why do we stick on to them? 

7. I also hear that the popular devotions like the way of the cross, rosary etc. are also a latin vestiges remaining with us.  Let us resist and boycott them. 

Most of these have come to the Catholic church of Syro-Malabar vintage since the arrival of the Portugese in the 16th century. So don't we have to 'go back to our fold'?  This trend fits well with the nationalistic saffron-washing trend across the country.  Allahabad has been saffron-washed into Prayagraj and Rajpath into 'kartavya path' and so on. 

Would 60 years of approved practice and adherence hold good for becoming part of a tradition? The majority of the faithful of Ernakulam Arch-diocese have been trained in this pattern, and none of them find anything sinful or distracting about it, except when being reminded of the infallibility of the Bishop of Rome, and his instruction to follow the revised text. 

Dec. 14, 2022.  I engaged myself in conversation with a group of Catholics of Ernakulam arch-diocese most of them women, and retired teachers.  They felt that this controversy was unbecoming.  One of them said: 'what is there if the priest has to turn towards that direction for 10 minutes'? Though I feel more inclined to the theology of last supper, heavenly meal and God-amidst-us (immanuel) theology (Mtt 18:20), I still feel that the real problem is a) the power-mongering among the bishops, strongly supported by two factions, viz., Ernakulam and Changanachery and b) the priests being obsessed with the victim-persecuted spirit, and promoting futher the issues of divison. 

Dec. 22, 2022. Met and greeted the Major Archbishop on his sacerdotal golden jubilee and in connection with  Christmas.  He received the flower bouquet and the Christmas candle, and gave me a ball-point pen with 'Cardinal Mar George Alencherry' etched on, but with the typical loose plastic sheath wrapping it. I requested him to take steps for reconciliation in dialogue with the people and the priests; but he said that he could not do anything now that the administrator is appointed. 

When I shared this with one of the sober and erudite priests, he said that reconciliation is not an easy task anymore - it would have been feasible had the opportunities wasted been utilised (i) Kariyil's initiative to let the diocese maintain the status-quo till next Synod, and then try to implement the decision with due community education.  It is alleged that this was torpedoed by the present administrator who felt that such a successful move might give some leverage to Kariyil in obtaining perhaps the major archbishop title!! Could be a mere political conjecture.   A 3 member synod sub-committee had recommended the same. (ii) Further alienating the Ernakulam faction was the highly legalistic, pretentious and provocative action of the administrator to forecefully enter the basilica and offer mass.  and (iii) prior to all this, Alenchery's effort to push the synodal-mass down the throat of the faithful by celebrating palm sunday under police protection. 

My token effort was meant to be a revisit to Chavar's patrimony of intiating reconciliation, whatever be the theological position we uphold.  I had urged our general to do something in this line, perhaps, involving all the religious of Syro Malabar Church.  He hasn't even bothered to respond, perhaps with the conviction that what is decided is to be followed. But that conviction does not seem to exude the Chavara patrimony. 

Now is the test time for the Church, as per the Gamaliel principle: if this is from God, it will remain, or resisting it, we will be finding opposing God's plans.  But if it is of human origin, it will fail.' I suggest the Church authorities, better heed to the wise Pharisee's advice: 'Let them alone...'

May God save the Syro Malabar church from being a Zero-Jesus church (borrowed from Justice Kurian Joseph's citation of a wise-counsel of one of his friends).  

Dec. 23, 2022 10 pm

Shocked to learn about the Christless scandal at St. Mary's basilica, Kochi. 

One section of priests celebrating the eucharist fully vested facing the 'faithful', and the newly imposed administrator of the basilica, Fr. Poothavely, celebrating facing the altar! 

OMG!! I feel so nauseated and desperate.  Don't know what to be done! 

Only I can pray with the Lord, 'Father, they do not know what they are doing.  Forgive them!'


  1. Really sad state of affairs. Christ and his teachings are of least importance to the leaders of Syrian catholic church today.
