Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Health is Wealth

Some Health Bulletin

I had this feel-good factor within me - that I have trained myself tough, that I need very little care about my body or health, that I can withstand extremes (heat or cold), that I can mostly get away without medicines. The onset of gouty arthritis as a reality had to be accepted as I reached 58, and I had to submit to the support of a small dose of daily 'chemical' input to stabilise my bio-chemistry dealing with the generation of purine in my body.  After months of experimenting, I found relief with the support of a half tablet prescribed for a day - which I have stretched to 1 tablet in 3 days.  God, willing, perhaps, I will be able to make it 1 tablet for four days. 

I was surprised to see that my ENT cavity responded promptly to the intake of an unusually cold piece of sweet melon, and I was struck by a rare incidence of Coryza.  As usual, I didn't mind (as my experience with common cold had been with no medicine a week or 2, with medicine - which I observe with others - is 7 to 14 days!), and took to the usual way of neglecting it, and made an already planned air trip to India with it. On arrival in Delhi, I observed that my left ear was almost blocked.  But thought of it as an after effect of the cabin pressure variation of the flight. 

From Delhi to Lucknow to Sitapur - a new community, new environment, new set of responsibilities.  Perhaps, for the first time in my life, I lost sleep on account of severe tooth ache - not exactly tooth, but the lower left jaw was giving immense pain.  I still felt grateful that in spite of that I could still snatch some sleep, and still manage to eat some food. And felt grateful that for long 58 years I had been spared from any such pains! God is great!  Does that sound 'being positive'.  I am not just feigning a pietistic sanctity.  But I genuinely felt so.  So, no complaints to any one - not even a prayer to God for healing, I hope God takes care! 

But couldn't risk further and spoil the time in suffering pain, so I took the initiative to consult a doctor in the nearby mission hospital. I was not impressed by the young boyish looking brown skinned doctor, who appeared to have no great engagement when compared to other OPDs of the rather well established BCM (Bishop Charles Memorial) hospital at Khairabad, 7 kilometres away.  [Fr Johny took me there and I led the celebration of the morning mass with a huge community of Holy Cross nuns (majority of them Malayalees) and nursing college students.] But he examined my mouth, declared the teeth were still healthy and assessed them for a) accumulation of plaque which he would remove and b) disappearance of enamel - a natural phenomenon, which could be arrested by the use of a specific brand of paste (Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate Toothpaste).  He also recommended a mouth wash (Hexidine) to be used twice a day! Fortunately, no other medicine! And he worked on teeth, and I felt much relieved.  But the ear still continued to trouble, and was not getting freed, though not causing immense trouble. As age sets in, I realise with grace, gratitude and also some fear, the blessings of life and health.  Jesus promises 'life and life in abundance'.  It could be the eternal life - but it definitely begins here, and human effort should be to make life enriching, liveable, enjoyable - in spite of all the constraints. 

The typical effort is to aim at well-being as is it now being articulated in sustainable development goal (no. 3) good health and well being of all. Health definition by WHO (1948) as   "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" implies, in fact, well-being.  I would even suggest that when we speak about one being healthy, it means wellness is assured. 

When I make these notes, I am on medication, which in the past 3 years, has become familiar to me, otherwise, something alien.  I used to take pride in the fact that I could live without medicines, that I don't get ill (then), that even if I got ill, I could just wait, take it easy and get over it... Since 2021 December, it is no longer so.  Almost 4 to 5 months of suffering with various impacts of gouty arthritis, finally, I forced myself to an initial one month course of medication, and am following it up, with a milder daily dose of medicince to prevent the excess of uric acid formation in the body.  

Now in the past one month, initially, it was a medical help with oral pain - diagnosed by the doctor as accumulation of plaque on the teeth, managed by physical cleansing by the dentist and the use of a prescribed tooth paste.  My practice of using the ayurvedic tooth powder is being stalled for the time being. 

Then, with cold persisting over 3 weeks, in the sultry-humid weather of Doha, I took a bicycle ride of some 20 kilometres, coming back enthused.  Next morning, I wake up, and find that I had great difficulty in opening my mouth - the locking joint of the right upper & lower jaws was hurting terribly, that I could not open my mouth  properly, let alone eat anything. My thoughts ran wild as usual - and I figured out that it could be (i) at the worst an attack of tetanus from the deep cut I received on 16th, in my effort to save a lemon which had already gone dry, the sharp knife cut my index finger, instead of the lemon, which slipped from under my finger. Usually the blood clots in a no time, maximum a few minutes.  Now, after more than 2 hours, the bleeding would not stop, and I realised that I needed medical support. Our regular consultant physician, in spite of his licenced clinic and staff, is not authorised to do a suture - that is Doha standard. So he advised another medical centre, where I was solemnly taken, as I didn't want to risk driving.  with the formalities done, a Malayalee doctor came, made enquiries, and then I was asked to come to a surgical room.  I suggested that suture be avoided. And he examined the wound and assumed that a small arterial nerve could be cut, and said he would try with a tape that would keep the cut closed.  Now the Malayalee nurse assists him, and he applies repeated generous doses of Betadine (I suppose) and then carefully administers the tape, two thin strips over an inch long, parallel on the index finger.  Then solemnly covers it with several rounds of gauze tightened to stop further bleeding.  I feel rather confident. The tightly covered bandage gets soaked in some liquid and turns reddish brown - either on account of Betadine or blood.  

I am fit to be at my desk, though not comfortable using the finger on the key board.  The wound appears smarting, and I don't provoke it further.  Our good friend had advised me to go for TT, which I had brushed aside.  And thankfully, doctor didn't ever raise the issue. 

But now, after 3 days, when the jaw became almost unopenable, I feared whether Tetanus is setting in.  Somehow, I linked Tetanus to joints becoming taut and painful. 

(ii) Still worse, I thought it could be some oral cancer setting in, and I am doomed for life. 

Whatever be that, I have to face. But the worst part is that the only legitimate pleasure permitted for the consecrated, I will be deprived off. Can't eat anything.  I could imagine a life where food, in liquid form, is given into the body either through some tube in the mouth, or a cavity on the throat or one even somewhere near the stomach!! Ghosh!! Can I still live happily? 

Had no other option but to go to a doctor. But put up with for the Thursday.  Did go out camping with out company, having almost nothing but some liquid, and tolerated and tested on Friday too, though I feared infection spreading from the ear to the brain and making me useless. 

Finally, on Saturday, first thing after the morning prayers, getting an appointment with Dr. Jegan Chacko, s/o the illustrious P.T. Chacko of Keralam! Dr Jegan cleared my appointment in the fast track in spite of the many waiting.  He examines my ears and nose, using some powerful torches, and finds my eustachian canal clogged with wax.  He links it to some allergy from the atmospheric humidity and the blockage of the cavity is from within and not because of any infection of the ear as such.  There is inflammation of the joint of the jaws. He says that I will have to do a course of antibiotics.  'Oh yes!! Willing to do anything now' is my attitude -  I only need to get my 'faculty of eating' back!! He prescribes 5 days of antibiotics, 7 days of anti-allergic, 7 days of anti-inflammatory tablets, 5 days of Dewax ear drops (2 times a day), and Otrivin nasal puff (2 times a day).  The drops and the puff were meant to attack the clogging from inside and outside, so that it would stand no chance to resist!! He also recommends steam for clearing the clogging.  Yeah, yeah.... I am  all willing! And I am all set to go. 

Medicines, puff, drops, (but no steam), afternoon, evening - Day One, Day Two, Day Three - and the lock of the jaws appeared to yield, and by night I could do some bit of 'sincere' chewing.  Not that I didn't eat anything day one and two.   I did it almost like a sacrifice, suffering rather acute pain in the bargain. In spite of the aches, my asanas based routine of fitness was not given up, except that I didn't dare to risk the jaw joint to further pressure of a head-stand. Another matter to be grateful for! 

Then day five - there is no pain on the jaw joint, and 'ephaata' - the ear is open! I complete the course of the antibiotic!

I was put on Aerinaze 2.5 mg, which is described as antihistamine, to counter allergy inducing histamine, an antibiotic Cefodox 200 mg to treat bacterial infection - especially for ear, nasal cavity and  urinary tract, and an anti-inflammatory Airtal 100 mg.  All these we are able to grasp thanks to the new (?) trends seen in the medical treatment - where every medicine is accompanied by detailed essay on what it is, how it works, and what are the warnings on possible side-effects.  I found this interesting - perhaps, more as a preventive against possible future litigations regarding the side-effects, 'that you had been adequately informed or warned'.  But I wonder how many would have the curiosity or patience to go through them.  It was for the first time that I ever scanned through any of them. 

Thus, as of now, my joy is great with no Tetanus nor Cancer.  But who knows - like the Devil who left Jesus for the opportune next turn, could be prowling around for the next turn! Till then, and even then, it is Deo Gracias!!

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