Monday, 4 August 2014


Researchers' Meet:
Sacred Heart's initiated in 2010 a  platform to promote research - Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavours - SHARE. The coining was by Dr. M.S. Francis, and I too was party to that collective thinking and coining, and feel happy about that. Since then we have had rather regular researchers' meet - initially, once in a year, and since 2013 twice a year, at least one of which is mandatory for the scholars, with a presentation. The first one is termed Monsoon Meet, and the latter, Winter Meet.  They are peppered with inputs from scholars with expertise in some aspects of research.
This time, 2014 Aug., on a very wet karkidakam day, it Jasimuddeen, impressing one and all with the repertoire of his knowledge in the area of plagiarism in research. There was active participation.
As usual, I had the good fortune, to speak the opening words. My reflections for the day:
1. The progress of SHARE, and the gradual falling in place of a system, with almost 65 scholars in all streams combined.
2. The quote being projected is typical 'inspirational' one: Be a honey bee, and not a spider. Why Not? Why not a spider? The research in spider shows the great significance of the multi-legged spinner, the yarns the result of whose 'search' is now an area of our research. The research community should form a  fellowship of inquiry - with the ever ready tools of 'Why' and 'How' at their disposal.  But the world of innovation and discovery will open before you, once they are familiar with posing the question 'why not' and walk the door that opens before such question.
3. Dr. Francis shared from various newspaper clippings, areas of research being identified in various fields. As a 'seeking community' of wisdom (college motto: a righteous heart seeks after wisdom), we need to develop a habit of sensing matters around us, in the society that are linked to our research, and also the ability to find linkages with the phenomena around and our research.
4. We speak generally about R & D. Research and Development. We research and development will follow. We need to develop research and development will follow. We can be happy that research centres at SH are developing, but never be satisfied about them, as they need to develop further, not merely do research, but bring out results that would enrich the society.
5. In this context, I want to reiterate the significance of developing knowledge in our own mother tongue, while ensuring that we are skilled in presenting our findings in the link language of English. This requires a conscious cultivation of self-esteem as Indians, as Malayalees.
6. The topic of discussion to day, plagiarism, is also a matter of concern for the knowledge seeking community. One part of it is ownership of knowledge. In this connection we speak about 'copy right'.  While integrity demands that we acknowledge knowledge resources, we need to break free from the monopolistic shackles of 'copy right' and perhaps go 'copy left' beginning with ourselves. The beginning is the willingness to share knowledge produced, and not commodifying the same.
7. Lastly, but not the least, I would like to remind all the researchers and the respected guides, that the small measures of ensuring quality have to be followed for promotion in the research programme. The attendance and participation in such academic gatherings are among them, failing which the institution will not feel satisfied with the progress so as to forward their periodical reports to the university.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the source of all wisdom, inspire our fellowship of inquiry!

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