It is likely that when we get a free period and have to engage it, we may find ourselves in a fix as to what to do.
As teachers, if we could think of them as an opportunity for supporting the overall development of students (some of the outcomes at foundational level, as per NEP 2020 are: good behaviour, courtsey, ethics, personal & public hygiene, teamwork, cooperation), it would be great. Next step is what we could do in this direction.
The best tool would be a story/anecdote, from which the students could draw lessons for their life. This would also need an articulation of what extra we want to convey to the students beyond the syllabus. Based on that, it would be ideal, to gather such and make a compilation of them and have some of them handy with us for a session.
The other is activities that are linked to our life on the planet - it should cater to catching the core value of sustainable living on this planet - usually expressed in terms of care for Mother Earth/our common home. There could be very simple to complex activities in this regard with the intended outcomes of increased information/awareness level/sensitivity in our dealing with the planet (utilisation, waste avoidance, reduction, generation & management etc.).
I imagined someone approaching me and asking 'what can we do on such occasions?'. And I thought I could easily answer, 'oh, a 101 things'. But reflecting, I realised that it was not that easy. Then, I took some time to put down a few simple to complex things that came to my mind, with the aforementioned intended outcomes. We could add on, build up, expand these flimsy looking tasks, depending on our imagination.
- School Environment Policy by student council - Do's and Don'ts
- Class environment policy by the class in the beginning of the year - do's & don'ts
- Class monitoring of its waste generation on a daily basis
- Volunteers to ensure that the class is litter free - taking turns
- Planting a vegetable plant and recording its growth
- Exhibition of the class-vegetable-garden@home
- Plant a flower-plant and nurture it (from sprouting to flowering)
- Exhibition of a class-flower-garden@home
- Survey of the plants of the campus & reporting
- Identifying the scientific names of the plants on the campus
- identifying common names in English of the plants on the campus
- identifying common names in one's native tongue of the plants on the campus
- Survey of the campus birds and other insects & reporting
- Identifying the scientific names of the birds that frequent the campus
- identifying common names in English of the birds that frequent the campus
- identifying common names in one's native tongue of the birds that frequent the campus
- Drawing the picture of the plants/plant parts (flower/fruits)
- Drawing the picture of the birds and insects
- Collecting pictures from the internet
- Assessment of the power use on the campus
- Lights on the campus
- AC on the campus
- Computers on the campus
- Assessment of the possibility of reducing consumption of power on the campus
- Discussion - how power consumption enhance global warming
- Water consumption on the campus
- Assessment of various utilities - per day
- Discussion - where do we get our water from? Process.
- How can we reduce water wastage?
- How is water consumption related to climate change and global warming?
- Observing weather changes
- Daily recording of local temperature and humidity
- Stars on the sky
- observation of starry night
- clue as to how to observe stars
- Sharing of sky-watch
- Guided sky watch on the campus - for parents and students.
- Listing of nature spots in the city/locality (Every class to have one trip in a year)
- Planned and guided walk in them to observe and feel.
- Drawing what they saw.
- Writing about what they saw.
- The trees you see on your way
- The birds and animals that you see on your way
- The trees and plants you find in your residential area (neighbourhood)
- The trees and plants you can see from your house.
- The waste management at your home.
- Study the waste (types) and quantity generated at your home
- Efforts to make home 'plastic free' - tips for that.
- Efforts to make home 'zero waste' - proper segregation
- List of star trees of India
- If applicable, your star tree - with picture and its peculiarities
- The tree you like best - picture, details. Why you like it? Its peculiarities
- The fruit for you like Best. Its peculiarities and other details.
- The vegetable you like Best. Its peculiarities, and the method of growing it.
- 5/10/20 trees from your scripture - Bible
- 5/10/20 trees from your scripture - Quran
- 5/10/20 trees from your scripture - Gita/Ramayan/Mahabharat
- 5/10/20 trees from your scripture - Guru granth sahib
- Identify the national tree/flower/bird/animal
- Identify the state tree/flower/bird/animal of your state
- Prepare a domestic manure pot to manage the domestic bio-waste
- Prepare a bio-compost box for the campus
- Adopt a plant/flower bed on the campus and maintain it.
- Design items for decoration recycling/upcylcing/reusing waste materials
- Scan news/newspaper for items related to nature and environment
- Discuss one item in the class
- clip items and make a folder
- copy items (scan or photograph) and create an e-folder on various themes.
- Seasons – their beginning and end
- Festivals associated with seasons – understanding & celebration
- Finding songs related to nature and environment
- Learn a nature song in English
- Learn a nature song in native language
- Learn a nature song in national language
- Observance of Days - Wetlands day - February 2
- Wildlife Day - March 3
- Sparrow day - March 20
- Forest Day - March 21
- World Water Day - March 22
- Earth day - April 28
- Health Day - May 7
- Bicycle Day - June 3
- Environment day - June 5
- Ocean day - June 8
- World Day to combat Desertification - June 17
- International Plastic Bag Free Day - July 3
- Ozone Day Sep. 16
- Farmers’ day - Kisan Diwas Dec. 23 (India)
- Campus Clean Day - weekly/monthly a class/batch taking turn to make the campus clean/litter free.
- Good health and well-being – study and action plan – SDG 3
- An exhibition on...
- Make a list of books crucial in the understanding of nature
- Read a book and present a summary
- List of nature movies
- Watch a movie and present a review
- A list of nature-movement leaders world wide
- Present at least one leader and his/her contributions
- Clean water and sanitation – SDG 6 discussion & action plan
- Sustainable cities and communities – SDG 11 discussion & action plan
- Making a public space clean (cleaner)
- Beautify and maintain a public place (more suited for Indian conditions)
- Responsible consumption and production – SDG 12 discussion & action plan
- What steps can you take to make - your clothing environment friendly
- What steps can you take to make - Your food environment friendly
- What steps can you take to make - Your travel environment friendly
- What steps can you take to make - Your homes environment friendly
- Climate Action – SDG 13 - discussion & action plan
- Life under water – SDG 14 - discussion & action plan
- Life on land – SDG 15 - discussion & action plan
- Collaborations for the SDGs – SDG 17 - discussion & action plan
- Ideas and Ideals - ZERO WASTE
- Ideas and Ideals - CARBON NEUTRALITY
- Ideas and Ideals - NET ZERO
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