Sunday, 5 June 2022

June 5 Pentecost 2022 - On Environment Day, the Fiery Spirit of Life to the Stewards who play with fire on the planet

Living alone in this city of Doha, my celebration of Pentecost is confined to my room.  But I did find time in the evening and be part of the Sunday celebration in the local (only) Church in Doha, incognito.  (The Our Lady of the Rosary Church, which I thus attend, is a huge one. It is in the 'religious complex' which harmoniously accommodates, all hues of Christianity, otherwise 'at holy war' with each other! This church alone can accommodate about 3000 people.  Though Sunday is a working day, thousands throng to the Church, managing their Lord's day commitment.  It offers services [mass] in various Catholic rites, chiefly Latin and Maronite; in various languages - in English, Malayalam, Arabic, Philippino, Tamil, Spanish etc. There is a separate Church for the Syro Malabar rite, a rather spacious church.  All the catholic ministry is rendered by the Capuchin fathers.  The catholic fold is a 'dominion' of the Capuchins, though still - I would say, fittingly, under the local Latin diocese. And perhaps, like the Lord of Old Testaments, the Capuchins guard their possession with great jealousy! The Syrian Church has even started a school named 'Olive' to ensure a Christian Education for their children, initially, with the support of Montfort Brothers, or so.  I am not sure how far they are successful in that).  

Though not all, quite a large number of Christian communities celebrate this day as a feast remembering the initial intense experience of Christ's spirit by the disciples of Jesus as a community.  It was an experience of having fire tongues over them, more so, having fire within them.

Over the years, centuries, the fire seemed to have spread around the world, only to lose its intensity gradually, and subsequently, to be confined to candles and lamps lit on the ritualistic remembrances and very many pious devotions, but for the exceptions of a mighty flame here, or a tiny spark there, on the inhabited part of this expansive planet. Mostly, it has become a 'warm something' everywhere, but, mostly, lukewarm! 

The fire that appeared is a peculiar fire, with polaristic abilities of warming up the cold hearts, enflaming the mild hearts, and also cooling down the combustible, and enlivening the withering ones - a prayer from our old times to the Holy Spirit goes thus: 

Come O holy Spirit (Ruha d'qdsha), sent the beams of your light across the sky! O Father of the destitute, giver of gifts, light of the heart, come upon us!

O the great consoler, the banquet of delicacies for  the soul, of sweet coolness, the comfort in our wanderings, the coolness in fever (ushnam), consolation in our cries, come! 

O most blissful light, fill the inner chambers of the hearts of your faithful.  Without your enlightenment (velivu) there is nothing but wickedness in us. Wash that which creates repulsion, water that which is withering, heal that which is wounded, quicken that which is ailing, soften that which is hard, warm that which is gone cold.  Straighten those gone astray.  To the faithful who trust in you, give your seven gifts - wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord - may we be granted a blessed departure, merits of a virtuous life and eternal bliss. Amen (A free translation from a Malayalam edition of the prayer). 

As, providentially, this year, we celebrate world environment day on this very same day, this is my prayer is to the Holy Spirit who was the Spirit of Life hovering on the primeval waters instilling life into matter - that we be filled with that spirit, that we become guardians and promoters of life - starting with the physical life on the planet earth.That we realise and experience the Spirit of God permeating the creation (ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत किञ्च जगत्यां जगत) and consequently utilise the resources of the planet with a mind of sacrifice (तेन त्यक्तेन भूंजीथ:) and not covet what belongs to others (मा घृता कस्यस्विधनं)! 

I hope that the humans on the planet be led by God's Spirit, that they would have the wisdom and knowledge of the reality of life on the planet, that they have the understanding that they are also part of the planet, and revere the presence of God permeating the planet, and would have the counsel and fortitude to initiate appropriate measures in order  that by covetousness they do not take away what rightfully belongs to others, to other beings, to future generations - the air, the water, the soil, the vegetation, the diversity and their unique combinations on the planet.. 

May the spirit kindle in us the courage to adopt a life style that will extinguish the fire of greed that is gradually engulfing the planet, instead cover it as its stewards (Gen. 1:26-29) with the green cool shade of care and protection to our common home, our Only One Earth!

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