Sunday, 27 October 2024

Liberated in Jesus to be Liberators in this World

Sunday October 24, 2024 Tenth Sunday of Elijah - Sliba - Moses 

Dt 11:1-7

The Deuteronomy passage is about the nation of Israel as a people being liberated by a powerful God, who moves with them (saath).  A few powerful words in the Hindi version - saamarthya and shakti (power and skill - employing power effectively) and saath - accompanying - as cloud, as light; delivering through miraculous events - natural phenomena behaving in exceptional manners - oceans divide, flow stops, day extends, bread and meat showered.  Great experience of deliverance, which is not available to all generations - hence, narratives and recountings!  Though nothing is comparable to the first hand experience, even today, the narrated, the written word of God, is powerful to deliver!! May the experience of the powerful God with us be mine, be yours!! 

Matthew 12:22-32 

With Jesus, the history of deliverance comes alive again! God's saath, saamarthya and shakti are experienced with a fellow human being liberated from the bondages to the freedoms of sight and speech! What a transforming moment in life! 

The ideal, challenging, charming option is to be:

a liberator that sets people free to see - around them - the physical nature, its diversity, its beauty; 

a liberator who frees people to see within themselves - introspection leading to the insight as to who I am! 

a liberator who frees people to see beyond the frames, to see the connections and the connectedness - from the phenomenon of 'reading the cloud' to the need 'to read the signs of the times'. 

That presuppo ses the liberator to be liberated. A call to continuous reflection - action - renewal cycle. Being the limited human within time-space, you are susceptible to fall into easy bondages. To realise them, and make conscientious efforts to free oneself is the precondition of being a true liberator. But that requires the saath of the indweller - the awakening of the kundalini  through the cycles to the sahasrara - to enlighten one as the annointed (the child of God); where the one and the oneness beyond the many and the diverse is made visible.  Prayer to deliver me from being the prisoner of my instincts and perceptions, but to ever go beyond!

To be 'them' also is not a bad option - 'They' brought a demoniac to Jesus.  This simple channelizing is also an act of liberation or facilitation of liberation. Humble task of physically bringing someone, referring someone to richers sources of life, and bringing someone to the experience of strength in Jesus - the independence being gained in the dependence of Jesus.  Making one free. If only, I could at least be that channel. It presupposes their conviction, their knowledge and trust in the power of Jesus. Lord, I can only pray strengthen my unbelief! 

For any good, there are any number of detractors - is this statement true? I am not sure. In today's world of social media, the number of likes and thumbs up and positive comments seem to indicate the world is becoming more positive towards goodness in its very many shades!! However, perhaps, even when such voices are fewer, they are louder!! And under them the positivity get suppressed and submerged. 

The response of Jesus is worth emulation by any leader, any diplomat, any learner, any seeker - No reaction! Jesus responds with calm logic: 

1. A house divided against itself - if the devil is to expel the devil, how can she spread her domain? 

2. If it is through the devil, then how do they explain similar healing efforts by their own folks? (That indicates the recourse to the non-invasive and inner-powers for healing or wholeness, from early history of human beings)

But Jesus returns to his mission using the plot - if its by the power of the Spirit of God, then realise that the reign of God is upon you!! It is already there, every step in liberating self and others is a step towards establishing God's reign, read, the reign of goodness, firmly!!

Jesus brings a warning similar to the warning given in the Deuteronomy text: the worst a human being can fare is to resist God's spirit.  That is persistence with untruth, willingness to be open to truth, covering up truth and siding with untruth.  Disciples of Christ are asked to be open to the truth - scientifically revealed as well as those that are beyond science.  As Jesus himself would say elsewhere: 'Truth will set you free' (Jn 8:31). 

I Thes. 5:12-24 The third reading from the Apostle Paul buttresses these aspects with very specific injunctions for liberated and liberating life, in the company of the arch-liberator.  These are worth learning byheart (hrdisth) and translating into daily life. 

1. respect those who are labouring among you and whoare over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to show esteem for them with special love on account of their work (12 & 13)

2. Be at peace among yourselves (13b)

3. Mutual support & correction - to admonish the idle, cheer the fainthearted, support the weak, be patient with all (14)

4. See that no one returns evil for evil (15a);

5. rather always seek good each other and for all (15b). refrain from every kind of evil (22)

6. Rejoice always (16)

7. Pray without ceasing (17)

8. In all circumstances give thanks, for this ithe will of God for you in Christ Jesus (18). 

9. Do not quench the Spirit (19) - also ref. Mtt 12: 31)

10. Do not despise prophetic utternaces (20)

11. Test everything; retain what is good (21).

Prayer: O God of peace, revealed Jesus our Lord and forerunner, make us perfectly holy and may we entirely, spirit, soul and body, be preserved blamess for the coming of your reign in our midst (23). We confess that you who chose us are faithful and though we are unworthy, with you we can accomplish it (24). 

1 comment:

  1. Thomas Philip (Qatar)27 October 2024 at 13:07

    Dear Fr. Prashant
    Thank you for the blog. Thought provoking with a lot of insights. God bless!!
