Monday, 30 January 2023

Peace to the Waters, Peace to Herbs & Trees (Yajurveda 36:17) : Forest Day & Water Day

Peace to the Waters, Peace to Herbs & Trees (Yajurveda 36:17) : Forest Day & Water Day

Rains: A Hate to Love Story

As a child I hated rains, though I did brave them.  In those times, when even an umbrella was a precious possession to be taken lightly, I lost my umbrella, and received scolding for being careless.  But as a fifth grader I firmly resolved not to use umbrella, and did manage my time as a school student up to grade tenth, to survive the heavy monsoons of Keralam, somehow or other, but determinedly not using an umbrella. I hated rains because they invariably happened whenever we had been on those very rare trips or tours.

Then I left home to join the order, and chose to be in the North of India, leaving the green Keralam and returned only after 3 years - it was 1983.  As the Kerala Express moved into the evergreen Kerala border, I was shocked to see coconut palms drooping and their fronds withering in the waterless summer - it had been an unusually long summer – colleges, hostels, schools etc. had to be closed down due to lack of water.  I sensed the tragedy arriving and the great blessings the rains were! It took another two months when the dry spell finally saw its end, with skies opening up! I got transformed into a lover of rain. Since then, I have never felt bad about having rain, the channel of elixir of life for our land! Even when it rained heavily almost obstructing our movement in the open-air basketball courts, our company of youngsters relished to splash in the waters and continue our game with relaxed rules. 

Water for Life - The Global Scenario

World consciousness collectively responded to the vital significance of water a decade later, with UN beginning to observe a world water day since 1993. The scientific world noticed a missing beat. The normal water cycle is where water in the water bodies and the soil, and the water stored as ice in the glaciers (oceans 95.5%, lakes, river & soil 1.7%, glaciers & permanent snow 1.7%, water vapour in the atmosphere .001%) getting evaporated in the sun or escaping from the trees through transpiration, condensing and getting back to these sources and even get stored in the earth as ground water.  This was getting disrupted thanks to human intervention.  This took the forms of extraction of ground water, interference with surface cover of trees by felling, and top soil by way of construction, leading to rapid run-off and displacement of ground water.  It also led to lowering of ground water level. Further, industrial, agricultural and domestic effluents entering water bodies and ground water have made waters contaminated and posing health hazard.  

This realisation of the urgency behind the issue has led to SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) 6 - safe water and sanitation for all.  Water is a basic requirement for everyone, affecting all domains of life, influencing key development issues such as health, hunger, sanitation, gender equality, jobs, agriculture, industry, transportation, weather, disaster, migration and peace!! Hence it has been made part of the global development agenda as the 6th development goal for 2030. 

The annual report series on various aspects of water released on March 22, the world water day by UNESCO is an eyeopener towards the vital implications of water for the world.  So far it has looked into domains connected to water such as energy (2014), sustainable world (2015), jobs (2016), waste water as a resource (2017), nature-based solutions (2018), inclusion (2019), climate change (2020), valuing water (2021), ground water etc. 

Some Water Facts: aapah shantih (Peace to the Waters) 

  • 2.2. billion lack access to safely managed drinking water, while 785 million are denied even access to basic drinking water.
  • 3 billion people lack access to basic handwashing facilities – found to be a most effective practice to combat COVID.
  • More than 80 per cent of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or sea without any treatment for waste removal.
  • Each day, nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrheal diseases
  • Approximately 70 per cent of all water abstracted from rivers, lakes and aquifers is used for irrigation
  • Floods and other water-related disasters account for 70 per cent of all deaths related to natural disasters
  • By 2030, it is feared that 700 million people will be displaced (climate refugees) on account of lack of access to water.
  • A typical soft drink per litre is said to be produced at the expense of over 200 litres (or more) of water. Plain bottled water takes 1.39 litres for 1 litre, whereas, carbonated water needs 2.02 litres. 

Taking into account the grave scenario, UN has declared 2018-2028 as Water Action Decade.

Forests & Water Connect

As if it is a prelude to this vital concern, befittingly, UN has introduced another holiday on March 21st, as International Day of Forests or World Forestry Day since 2012. And indeed, water cycle is greatly influenced by forests.  

A recent longitudinal study observed that changes in Amazon rain forests appeared to have direct impact on the Himalayan Tibetan plateau, a store house of water for almost 2 billion population. It points to the significance of the protection of forest cover wherever possible, as they all contribute towards the world wide web of water and natural resources. 

Studies have also found the several zoonotic diseases are kept under check and control thanks to the presence of forests - mindless destruction of forests, displacing diversity by monoculture etc. besides impacting the climate and water-cycle, may also release organisms that would be a threat to several other species including the humans.  Scientists point out that viruses such as HIV-AIDS, Nipah, Corona, H1N1 etc. are likely to be the impact of such human interference with the ecosystems. 

A Healthy Heritage for Harmony

The ancient Indian literature has ample proof indicating an insight into this vital link between water and trees.  A salutation to trees goes thus: namo vrukshabhyo hari keshebhya.  I salute the trees which are the hair of God.  This can be linked to the ancient legend where the torrential waters of Ganga brought down to earth by Bhagirath was tamed into a life-giving channel on the land by shivjata, the hair-locks of Shiva, the ascetic dweller of Himalayas. The symbolic 'shivjata' is the tree-cover of the mountains that makes running water walk and crawl and stop on the earth to form reservoirs below. 

This linkage is also found in another aphorism from Matsyapurana (also cited in Vrkshayurveda) where goddess Parvati justifies her equal care for a Deodar (Cedar) sapling as much for her son: “Dasa Koopa Samo Vaapi Dasa Vaapi Samo Hridha Dasa hridha Sama Putra Dasa Putra Samo Druma”, which means, ten wells = one pond; ten ponds = one lake; ten lakes = one son; and ten sons = one tree. The cultural insight into the link between forests and water, and the consequent need for conservation, are seen in the saying. 

There is a sacred conservation tradition of micro-forests in the South of India linked to water, especially, in the once-water-rich Keralam: Don't tread the Sacred Groves (kaavu), the ponds will dry up, and adversity will befall the family.

Poet Joyce Kilmer wrote: I think I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.  Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree.

All these religio-spiritual and poetic traditions point to the need to re-look at the human interference with nature, especially, water resources and forests. Combinedly, the two days are an invitation to individuals and communities to revere the Mother Nature we too are part of, once again examine our life-styles and initiate appropriate action. 


Against the alarming loss of almost 32000 million hectares of forest annually, United Nations proposes these annual holidays to revere, restore and recreate our forest and water resources.

In India, we have a modern day Bhagirath, Dr Rajendra Singh, who successfully led the efforts to bring life back to the farmers around the dead Alwar river of Rajasthan through a people's movement named as Tarun Bharat Sangh. 

In Keralam, we had Green Peace River Keeper - Mr. V.J. Jose, who led a one man fight to protect the precious Periyar river from industrial pollution. 

People like them show the possibilities before individuals like us. Before water-wars set in, we have to act, beginning with ourselves: 

  • Save water: Take shorter showers and don't let the tap run when brushing my teeth, doing dishes and preparing food
  • Break taboos: Talk about the critical connection between toilets, natural processes like menstruation and water.
  • Fix Leakages to Prevent Wastage & Pollution: of plumbing, taps, flushes and tanks (storage & septic).
  • Stop Polluting: Don't put food waste, oils, medicines and chemical down the drains
  • Make it equal: Where still water fetching is required, let it be the task of all - men, women, boys, girls.
  • Buy & Eat Local: Seasonal and home-grown food; and look for products made with less water
  • Watch your drink: check if you can reduce on water guzzlers - bottled water, soda, soft-drinks and packaged juices
  • Be Curious: Find out where my water comes from, its quality, its treatment processes
  • Be a Water-Warrior: Plant a tree; help water to walk, stop, sleep & sink in your plot (if feasible) or campus
  • Clean up: Take part in clean-ups of my local rivers, lakes, wetlands or beaches.

                                                                                                                        (Adapted from UN World Water Day Campaign)

As we celebrate these days, let us remember what Mahatma Gandhi told: "What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another."  

Water Day <> Jan. 30, 2023

Water Cycle <> Jan. 29, 2023

Forests and Climate change <> Jan. 29, 2023

Zoonotic Diseases <> Jan. 29, 2023

Zoonotic Diseases <> Jan. 29, 2023

Water Use in Drinks: <> Jan. 30, 2023


Thursday, 26 January 2023



Jan 18 Eph 2:14 Jesus as the PEACE - the reference point of all who claim to be Christians - By his death, he put ENMITY to death! Nations, religions (even Christianity) kill to bring peace, rather, Lord let me die to kill enmity & bring peace! May there be peace for Ukraine!

Unity Octave 2:Mk 4:35 presents Jesus in harmony with the forces of nature - at peace in the storm is His norm. Could we step a little aside off differing dogmas-rituals & make 'faith 4 earth' a united agenda? That the climate change driven foodless millions be provided for!

Jan 19 Mk 4:35-41 Jesus at peace when his boat is tossed up & down by the waves, to me is the yogi in harmony with the elements of nature. He is often seen in the lap of the nature. The Christian churches and other religions can set aside their disputes on the nature and definitions metaphysical; and work unitedly to make the planet tick well! Faith for Earth as the UN suggests - to be the real stewards of the great garden given to their care. This could start with individual & collective action towards waste reduction, zero carbon communities (carbon fasting), greening, in short, responsible consumption & production (SDG 12).

In solidarity with the millions deprived of food due to climate change impact the Russian war!

Jan 20 UNITY OCTAVE 3: Heb 8:10 Dogma divides, benevolence binds. For the Christians, bogged down by dogmas & church laws, God promises to have a new law of invincible goodwill written in the hearts! Focus on Jesus the Unifier, as goodwill personified, setting aside all other pursuits

Heb 8:10 Dogma divides, benevolence binds - For the Christian churches, getting bogged down by dogmas and church laws, the divine promise is to have the new law of invincible goodwill written in the hearts! The new law personified is Jesus - the one, Churchiness tends to set aside; yet waiting to be written on the hearts of Christians. May test of our faith be increase in goodness!

Jan 21 UNITY OCTAVE4: Rom 10:15 The beauty of those who bring goodnews. The primary question before every Christian is whether what s/he shares is goodnews - s/he is goodnews. Goodnews that God cares, God is amidst & within us as shown by Jesus 'who went about doing good' (Acts 10:38).

Jan 22 UNITY OCTAVE5 ICor 1:13 Paul calls for setting aside differences in belief & practice! Practice of what Christ taught, above the differing traditions of prayers - practice of love in action. Lord, let that alone concern those who claim to follow Christ!

UNITY OCTAVE 5: I Cor 1:13-17 Paul raises a crucial question: Has Christ been divided? Was it A/B/C that was crucified.  Could the focus be on Christ and the practice of announcing the goodnews - differences in mode of prayers, way of announcing (but that the announcement is in line with the goodnews, not violating justice, not being self-righteous, not condemnatory) notwithstanding.  Christians still have to discover that powerful goodnews hidden, which Gandhi could discover without becoming a member of a Christian religion. May we awaken to that core of the goodnews, and in turn, be transformed into that! 

Ps 40:8 is cited by the author of Hebrews 10:9: Here I am to do your will. That is Christ's model. Always & everywhere to seek God's will, which in other words is goodness in thought & action. So test of being a Christ follower is in the effort made in this direction. It is also the test for all who claim to be believers in God - the point on which all can unite. But can there be difference of opinion as to what is goodness?

Jan 25 UNITY OCTAVE DAY 8: Jn 17:11 Jesus' beautiful prayer for unity - As we are one, may they be one! Jesus, the man on earth, experienced the unity with the ultimate as "I and the Father are one". This is still a possibility. Each believer is challenged to a union with God - to an ever increasing degree daily. In turn, those who claim to be believers are challanged to be a channel of unity among peoples and beyond, even with the planet! May 'ekam evan adwitiyam' - the one without a second, guide us all into oneness, into goodness!

UNITY OCTAVE8: Jn 17:11 Jesus prays for unity - As we are one, may they be one! Each believer is challenged to a union with God daily. In turn to be a channel of unity among peoples! May 'ekam evan advitiyam' guide us all into oneness, into goodness!

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Balloon Festival, Doha 2023

FB:  Ballooning in Qatar

Indeed, a treat for eyes!  The comfortingly cool winter evening, as the sun sets the green grounds by the sea, across the road in front of Doha Port is getting crowded with people thronging on a Saturday evening.  With a stage set with music and dance, and eating outlets set on the side of the clean, broad and beautifully laid walkway cum bicycle track, kites are already afloat in the air - most of them 'kite' shaped, and some of them inflated in the shape of cobra about to swallow up a rat... The FIFA festivities can now not stop!

It is the third edition of the Balloon Fest in Qatar, and my effort to have a glance at it on the Friday holiday failed.  I attempted to drive to the venue, just about 6 kilometres away - but a bumper-to-bumper traffic, coupled with my well-defined driving skills for Qatar roads, didn't let me to stop, find a parking lot and explore.  So, this time, it was on the most flexible, fast, non-polluting bicycle, accompanied by a rare bicycle enthusiast among the Rajagiri colleagues. 

The balloons are unimaginably big - for those who have not seen them in close quarters! When we see them flying up in the air as a promotional stuff, we don't really get to assess their size.  It is really huge! They bring them in a kind of pick-up van.  It is folded in a box, apparently made up of or having an outer casing of canes. About 5 ft high; 4 by 4 on the top and 3 by 3 at the bottom. The box/or basket is unloaded from the van, then it is spread on the ground.  It takes almost 600 sq ft to my untrained eyes. Then air is blown into it with a blower and fan, the huge cloth structure gradually gets inflated, takes shape, still flat on the ground, and as the air fills in, it swells in size, then hot air is blown into it from two powerful fire guns connected to four extra sized gas cylinders.  The huge fire-tongues don't burn the balloon cloth. The giant balloon now gradually straightens up, while swinging gently according to the wind.   It looks huge, colourful, attractive, fascinating.  It could be as tall as a 3-storey building (again assessment of untrained eyes).  When the air cools down, the 'pilots' pump in hot air. And the swaying giants straighten up. The pickups work as the base for a stay for the balloons. 

There are about 50 ballooners from all over the world taking part in the festival lasting for ten days. They come in rainbow colours.  Most of them are in the typical hot-air-balloon-shape; some shape into comical figures (which I can't make out), one is in the shape of a grenade...  There are no tickets for viewing this great spectacle.  How do they manage the show? It is told that they are sponsored by various corporates - definitely Qatar Airways is among them, apparently, festival city too. 

We meet Riju from Mahe, and Vishnu from Trivandrum, who have volunteered for the festival.  They are pooled from the volunteers’ club of Qatar.  They spare some 6 to 8 hours in volunteering.  It is not paid.  Perhaps there are some perks.  But, above all it is the spirit of exploring and inquiry that lead the volunteers to seek such opportunities.  A Malayalee good will works, and Riju lets me in to have a closer look at the blue giant from Cayman Island piloted by Clive and his partner from England.  They are busy keeping the balloon lifted up, and I could not satiate my curiosity further. 

The 'basket' which houses the cylinders and the burners can hold four people; but when it takes to flight in the morning, depending on wind conditions, it usually carries just 2 people.  

Another miracle of human creativity, combining art and adventure, the thrill of rising above and floating with the elements, still trying not to be part of it!!

Tuesday, 17 January 2023


Dec. 28, 2022

Revered  Archbishop Andrews, 

Greetings and peace!

I hope you might have seen the just anger expressed by Rev. Valsan, of course, from his own theological perspective - but all the same Christian.

This is the just anger which a thinking Christian would feel - that we are setting aside Christ and his teaching and are running after ritualism.  When I this,  my comment was as follows: I recalled what my maternal grandfather, who has a son, ordained priest in the Catholic Church, is reported to have said by way of caution: 'ആരോഗ്യം രക്ഷിക്കാൻ പട്ടാളക്കാരിൽ നിന്നും, വിശ്വാസം രക്ഷിക്കാൻ പട്ടക്കാരിൽ നിന്നും ദൂരെ നിൽക്കുക'. In spite of being an ordained minister myself, I feel this is becoming very true, especially the latter part of it. Thank you, Fr. Valsan for expressing the anguish of a follower of Christ


I request you to be a leader with Christ's mind and set aside the legal structure of the hierarchical church for some time, and get back to the Jesus who kept reconciliation, and first step for the same, as preconditions for sacrifice - that too not if the sacrificer has not been reconciled with someone else, but (even) if someone else is having bitterness or ill will against you; the same Jesus who taught us to forgive not 7 seven times, but 70 times, and who forgave those who insulted and injured him, and asked the father to forgive them. 


Today, I have very specially prayed for our diocese, you and all other bishops and priests involved, with a 24 hour of fasting, regular and carbon, offering my 28th anniversary mass in that intention and also praying the 'latinised un-liturgical prayer devotion' of the rosary (quite unbecoming for us Zero Christians of Syro Malabar Church).


I hope Christ our Lord will steer your mind and strengthen your hands to give the Church the right direction. 

In Christian fellowship, 



Dec. 31 A Response to the article of Fr. Jacob Peenikkaparambil CMI in the IC

A nasty - unchristian leadership - ritualism, bordering idolatry, is its hallmark, duly assisted by legalism

And what are we, the inheritors of Chavara doing? Laid back and lethargic - Either taking a position and insisting on imposing it; or keeping aloof. 

Why are we not in the leadership of reconciliation? We lack elements for that? 



Jan. 2 - A Response to Fr. Prior General's circular on Jan. 2 instructing to fast & pray for Syro Malabar Church


Rev. Father General, 

Greetings of the feast of St Chavara to you too. 

Appreciate the item no. 3 of your circular, as a spiritual movement, that is the right note to start. In spite of being assigned to a solitary life, I will join in spirit and fasting on that day. 

But as a community leader (I thought we were, and we were supposed to be), that is not enough. 

I suggest irrespective of the stance individuals hold, and while underscoring the need to be obedient like our master, I still feel, that when fissiparous tendencies emerge, going beyond the legal, the Christian leadership ministry has a mandate to seek out, out of the way, those whom they consider wayward or gone out of the way.

I hope under your experienced leadership something in this direction will emerge. 

And, as leaders in intellectual formation, our major seminary ought to promote healthy debate and open dialogue on theological and missiological aspects of our traditions and practices, including that of the liturgy.  This seems to be miserably missing from DVK. We can't hear them!!

I suggest you incorporate more millets into your diet and that of the PG house - for your own health and that of the planet. 

Green greetings in the year of Millets 2023. 


Prasant CMI



Response to Fr. Peenickaparambil's article in IC Jan. 16


ritualism, dogmatism and legalism - these indeed are the chains by which the hierarchy (hierarchism) in the Church have kept the people of God chained, instead of 'liberating' them as per the manifesto of Jesus. 

Now we have managed to make the ritualism more fundamental by making eucharist almost  a 'magical' act - magicalism!

God save us from this five-headed monster!



Jan. 16 - Letter to the Rev. Bps Andrew, Alenchery and Kariyil 


Priya Pithakkale, 

Greetings and peace on the eve of the unity octave! 

As the Churches, especially the catholic church, I trust, promote Christian unity, and even unity beyond Christian religion (a unity in Christ)through the observance of the unity octave, I humbly request you to take a pastoral leadership to bring in unity and reconciliation. 

In spite of my reservations regarding the way in which our Synod has gone ahead with the liturgical reforms, I would not in any way condone the steps taken by those who protest against it, especially the priests.  I agree that it is not in the spirit of Christ. 

Even then, I would request you to kindly set aside the legal enforcement policy, but see how best there could be reconciliation and unity. 

I am very well aware that you don't have to be told this, and you would know Christ, Bible, Theology, Law and Common Sense much more than I do.  But I still voice this concern with you, as a concerned Christian and priest, while assuring you that our Church, the bishops,  especially the three of you, had been in my prayers all these days, and hopefully, will continue to be so. 

Yours in the unity of spirit of Our Lord's humility that did not consider it significant to hold on even to his equality with God, 

I am, 

Prasant Palakkappillil CMI



Jan. 17 to Fr Poothaveli

Acha, though we are not very closely known to each other, we have met, and from a distance, I held you in esteem. 

But regret to say, I  was indeed shocked by the way in which a learned, intelligent senior priest like you led the scandalous act in the name of introducing the officially approved Qurbana.  Acha, I am not questioning your stand on Qurbana.  To my mind, these are really immaterial, unless they lead us to a closer following of Christ, closer to Christification of the community and individuals and the cosmos.  Was this act in any way beneficial in that direction I wonder. 

You could have very easily waited till that Qurbana got over and offered another if felt like doing that, and also preach to the people the logic of doing so.  But to have done as you had done, I feel was anti-Christ, unchristian.  

Acha, while still not questioning your stand on the modus of offering the Qurbana, I feel as a Christian, and an anointed Christian leader, you should tender an unqualified apology for what you have done in this regard.  That, I think would go a long way in healing the wounds, and leading to reconciliation. 

Acha, this is the time of unity octave, and with remembrance of the great apostle ahead on 25th, and another apostle of reconciliation and peace, Mahatma Gandhi on 30th of this month, I request you to take this bold decision to apologise for your so called ‘desecration’ and initiate healing, perhaps still adhering to your stand on the issue as such. 

(I felt bad all the more because I have seen the basilica from my childhood, being present when it was dedicated during the time of Cardinal Parecattil). 

Fraternally yours in priestly fellowship, 

Prasant Palakkappillil CMI


His response: കഥയറിയാതെ ആട്ടം കാണുന്ന പമ്പര വിഡ്ഢിയാകരുത് അച്ചൻ എന്നേ എനിക്കു പറയാനുള്ളൂ.


Jan 18 Eph 2:14 Jesus as the PEACE - the reference point of all who claim to be Christians - By his death, he put ENMITY to death! Nations, religions (even Christianity) kill to bring peace, rather, Lord let me die to kill enmity & bring peace! May there be peace for Ukraine!


Unity Octave 2:Mk 4:35 presents Jesus in harmony with the forces of nature - at peace in the storm is His norm. Could we step a little aside off differing dogmas-rituals & make 'faith 4 earth' a united agenda? That the climate change driven foodless millions be provided for!


Jan 19 Mk 4:35-41 Jesus at peace when his boat is tossed up & down by the waves, to me is the yogi in harmony with the elements of nature. He is often seen in the lap of the nature. The Christian churches and other religions can set aside their disputes on the nature and definitions metaphysical; and work unitedly to make the planet tick well! Faith for Earth as the UN suggests - to be the real stewards of the great garden given to their care. This could start with individual & collective action towards waste reduction, zero carbon communities (carbon fasting), greening, in short, responsible consumption & production (SDG 12).

In solidarity with the millions deprived of food due to climate change impact the Russian war!


UNITY OCTAVE 3: Heb 8:10 Dogma divides, benevolence binds. For the Christians, bogged down by dogmas & church laws, God promises to have a new law of invincible goodwill written in the hearts! Focus on Jesus the Unifier, as goodwill personified, setting aside all other pursuits


Heb 8:10 Dogma divides, benevolence binds - For the Christian churches, getting bogged down by dogmas and church laws, the divine promise is to have the new law of invincible goodwill written in the hearts! The new law personified is Jesus - the one, Churchiness tends to set aside; yet waiting to be written on the hearts of Christians. May test of our faith be increase in goodness!

UNITY OCTAVE 4: Rom 10:15 The beauty of those who bring goodnews. The primary question before every Christian is whether what s/he shares is goodnews - s/he is goodnews. Goodnews that God cares, God is amidst & within us as shown by Jesus 'who went about doing good' (Acts 10:38).

UNITY OCTAVE 5 ICor 1:13 Paul calls for setting aside differences in belief & practice! Practice of what Christ taught, above the differing traditions of prayers - practice of love in action. Lord, let that alone concern those who claim to follow Christ!

UNITY OCTAVE 5: I Cor 1:13-17 Paul raises a crucial question: Has Christ been divided? Was it A/B/C that was crucified.  Could the focus be on Christ and the practice of announcing the goodnews - differences in mode of prayers, way of announcing (but that the announcement is in line with the goodnews, not violating justice, not being self-righteous, not condemnatory) notwithstanding.  Christians still have to discover that powerful goodnews hidden, which Gandhi could discover without becoming a member of a Christian religion. May we awaken to that core of the goodnews, and in turn, be transformed into that! 

UNITY OCTAVE 7: Ps 40:8 Here I am to do your will. That is Christ's model. Always & everywhere to seek God's will means to seek, do & spread goodness - the test for all who claim to follow Christ/claim to be believers - the one point on which all can unite. But what is goodness?
UNITY OCTAVE 8: Jn 17:11 Jesus prays for unity - As we are one, may they be one! Each believer is challenged to a union with God daily. In turn to be a channel of unity among peoples! May 'ekam evan advitiyam' guide us all into oneness, into goodness!